10 years of perfect credit gone

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Slayer, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    to because of one dumb mistake.

    A few months ago, I made a transaction on Ebay. They billed me for it, I paid them with my seldomly used Capital One card. However, I did not know they already charged my card on file with Ebay, so Ebay got paid twice. Expecting them to refund my Cap 1 card, I never logged into my Capital One card for months. I had since moved and never changed the address for the card since it was the only time I used it in 2 years (sock drawer card). Well, all my statements went to my former address (parents home).

    I logged into my Ebay account to see that instead of crediting my C1 card, they credited my Ebay account for the double payment. Meanwhile, Capital one sent derogatory info to all 3 CB's for 3 months. I paid the entire balance but nothing can be done.. I received no help from Capital one, despite the fact that I have another account with them that has flawless payment history for the past 9 years. It is their policy not to remove any derogatory information unless it was their error.

    So 10 years of perfect credit just got shot to hell and there is not a thing I can do. I am SO PISSED AND FEEL LIKE HELL.
  2. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Your Paypal Account you mean (not your Ebay). Sorry man. that could happen to anyone. If i were you I would close the CapOne Accounts right now. they sucks!!! so does paypal:(
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute now.

    This is not really that hard to fix.

    Send me a PM and I'll tell you how Slayer.

    In the meantime, gang, when you get down to where your credit is perfect, fighting like a rabid, vicious dog may be required to keep it that way.


    : )
  4. daverp

    daverp Member

    A couple years ago, I had a cap1 card with an annual fee. It was also a sock drawer card for me. Completely my fault, I knew I had a 0 balance, and never checked my online statement, and had forgotten this card had an annual fee. My annual fee came up, went unpaid, and into 60 days late before I even knew about it.

    One phone call to them was all it took to get it removed from the reports. They did have to close the account (shown as at consumer request) for some reason in order to accomplish this if I remember correctly. I still have another account with them though.

    Maybe try to call back again and speak with a supervisor? Planet feedback them? Not their fault, but they should certainly be able to understand an honest mistake. I'm pretty sure they'll work with you if you go at them the right way.

    I learned from my mistake though. All my cards are checked for balances and payments due on the 1st and 15th of every month, even the no fee and 0 balance cards. Better safe than sorry.
  5. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    I wish I had the same luck as you did. I spoke to 2 supervisors, and then an Account Manager who I was told had the highest authority to make credit report decisions. They refused to take into consideration I've been a 2 account C1 customer for nearly 10 years without a single late payment. Policy is policy I was told.

    It gets worse. I pulled my credit score. It was reported derogatory 120 days. As a result, my score dropped nearly 60 points.
  6. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Actually it wasn't even credited to my Paypal account. It was credited to my Ebay seller account. So my Ebay seller account now has a $60 credit balance.
  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    One must develop a reasonable LEGAL argument.

    Fix your email problem Slayer.

    • User unknown

    : )
  8. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: 10 years of perfect credit gone

    I updated my new email address in my profile.
  9. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: 10 years of perfect credit gone

    I know that ignorance is not a defense (sorry to saying that), but they DID have your credit card # on file. Would a letter to the CEO (before closing the card) help? Use whatever tactics work with Cap1, get what you want, and drop the card? Although they are not the best for customers that don't bring in high fees & many transactions, they might work with you. Go through the proper channels with a letter or two. Phone calls don't help, as cust serv is there to shield the upper management from any responsibility. Good luck.
  10. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: 10 years of perfect credit gone

    Maybe a well-places lawsuit would resolve the issue. I doubt Cap1 will spend a couple of grand in legal fees defending against a suit over a $60 bill on a now-closed account.
  11. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: 10 years of perfect credit gone

    What the OP wants is the 90 day late to be removed from the credit report. $60 is chump change; a 90 day derog is very, very bad.
  12. xYBDx

    xYBDx Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: 10 years of perfect credit gone

    Only logical conclusion is they are WITH MALICE attempting to damage your credit rating.

    Plays into the new Corporate policy of deliberately damaging customers FICO scores to make them less attractive to their competitors.... plays into the whole NON-REPORT of the credit limit, as a corporate policy.

    Not sure exactly how YOU need to go at this. OC is not FDCPA covered (so far) in your case, so the use of "unconscienable means" FDCPA complaint wont help.

    Butch is right, a legal theory of offense needs to be found. Purhaps straight up defamation for the derog as a deliberate act with malice to harm your credit rating. Any trier of fact would have to weigh all the facts and your spotless record, combined with an act of "excusable negligence" would lead to a conclusion by any REASONABLE person that it was a mistake, you are willing to make good, and it would be AGAINST the interests of substantial justice to allow this DEROG to be used to punish you.

    Man they are just ITCHING for a fat class action for $1+ BILLION.

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