I wrote a strongly worded letter and sent a filled out form for a lawsuit, and today I checked and 17 inquiries got removed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you say 17 you mean PRM/Equifax/AR inquiries right?...You didn't have 17 hard inquiries removed did you? Either way, nice work getting EQ to budge. -Peace, Dave
author_22, Holy crap, that's great! What was the approx. time frame for all of this, like the time you sent the letter & filled out the lawsuit forms, to the time they actually deleted? wajaba
Can you post or email me the letter you used? I'm having an issue with 10 hard INQs form a single mortgage company. The mortgage company even admits they shouldn't be there! What lawsuit paper did you fill out?
They WERE hard inquiries from creditors such as AMEX and the like. Direct deletion from EQ. I am uncomfortable posting the letter but will send it to those who email me. I'm at work now and don't have it with me, but will get it out ASAP.