1st Credit Application! 1st Reject!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ghazi, Dec 6, 2002.

  1. Ghazi

    Ghazi Member

    Long time creditnet reader, first time poster.
    Anyway, my girlfriend is 21 and she's a senior student at a local college. She lives with her parents and holds a part time job (with an annual income of $12k). She's never had any kind of credit. So we wanted to get her a credit/retail card of some sort to start building credit. Her mom (who brags about her platinum discover all the time) suggested she applies for a discover card. "You'll definitely get approved" she told her!
    She applied online last week for a student discover card and got a letter of rejection sent to her a couple of days ago (and I saw that coming). So we're off to a good start.

    Is there a way to dispute the rejection? Is there a sample letter out there to send to discover? Her parents are wealthy and have the best credit. Would that help???

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
  2. alent1234

    alent1234 Well-Known Member

    What was the reason? My first cc was a first usa card with a $500 limit. What about applying with cap one or someone else?
  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Tell your girlfriend's wealthy good-credit parents, to put her as an AU on their accounts, so that your girlfriend has some credit history. Right now, most CCC's won't issue a CC without a credit history.
    Back in the day, when Discover just started, they were giving out cards to everyone and anyone, in order to make a niche for themselves. nowadays, their requirements are prime-like.
  4. Ghazi

    Ghazi Member

    The reason was "not enough credit history."
    I thought students credit cards were a little more lenient!
  5. Ghazi

    Ghazi Member

    Excellent idea humblemarc, thank you!
  6. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    NO, my daughter went through the same thing though I hate Discover and would never recommend it to her. She has three trade lines, one 3 years old, she's 21, and she can't get a student card to save her life.

    But, just in the past two weeks, she's been offered a preapproved Chase..will see what happens.
  7. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

  8. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    discover is lame, i was rejected with a 720 score.

    Try amex student
    citibank student
    whatever student

    But please, get an AU from her parents on the report before hand, it DOES make a huge difference because the scoring systems do somehow judge au's for or against you even though they technically shouldn't.

    I'd suggest AU on a card that does report to the student's credit (ie amex), and one of long term of history. Ie her mom's 15 year old active amex tradeline would be a GREAT AU.

    Then go to macy's (federated store,, they are all over) and get one of those cards, expect a $100 limit.

    You gotta start at the bottom, and discover is one of the hardest cards to get imo.
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Discover is very hard to get. Whomever said to have her parents put her on as AU has the right of it. If they put her on a couple of high limit, low balance cards, she should do okay with establishing her own tradelines. I'd forget Discover though...they have high interest rates and are hard to deal with. Citi is an excellent starter card, IMHO.

  10. Ghazi

    Ghazi Member

    Thanks everyone for the valuable info!
  11. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    When I was in school, there were always applications for Chase & Citi student cards floating around (Student union, admin office etc..). At that time (early 90s) anyone who could provide a current transcript showing they were in school got a $500 limit. Has she tried these type of apps?

    I was also able to get store cards easy after the first Chase Visa was on my report for a few months. Haha - I thought I was a high roller when Hects (Part of May dept stores) gave me a $1500 limit at age 19.
  12. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    There has been alot of stink over the past couple of years about CC's that offer student type cards because these kids aren't ready, don't understand credit, and end up defaulting. Do you think maybe they have tightened their reins?

    BTW my first ever card was Dillards.
  13. mtnair

    mtnair Well-Known Member

    My son had tried with student citibank and was rejected, tried at his bank, rejected. He has no credit history. He finally listened and went to my credit union, opened a savings and checking account, and applied for a student credit card the same day. A few weeks later his new credit card came in the mail with a $1,000 limit. Try a credit union.

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