2 Collectors same card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jamak, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. jamak

    jamak Well-Known Member

    I have received notices from two different collection agencies who are demanding payment on the same card. Amount is approx $12G. Delinquency on original card was 2005. How does this happen?
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    DV them both. The one CA may have hired the other CA to collect the debt for them. This actually happens quite often.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Theoretically, you would think if CA1 was good at what they are supposed to be experts in, they'd do all the job itself.

    But there are a lot of JDBs who buy an account, then ASSIGN a second CA to do the legwork. Logistically, I can't think of a way that more than 2 CAs could be actively collecting on the same account.

    Other possibilities, CA1 got the account, sent dunning letter on day 0, sold account on day x to CA2. I've seen an alleged account where more than 3 CAs who have sold the account, WITHIN A WEEK!

    Ironically, CA4 contacted me via mail, the same day I received the collection notice from CA1, I had fun on the phone calling OC to play phone tag from the original chain of custody, just for the fun of it... :)

    DV them all, and if needed, let the court sort it out; especially if CA1 sold the account, and tries to continue collecting even though they no longer have the rights to the account (false representation of the legal status of the debt).

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