2 different CR versions???? BUTCH?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GRTDLS, Jul 26, 2004.


    GRTDLS Well-Known Member

    I am getting a mortgage loan and I had to have an account updated that was showing sent to collection 05/04 on Equifax. The account was actually closed 11/02. I had proof of this and sent the info to Equifax. They said they updated and I got my updated copy in the mail. This was last week. So I called my lender to say Equifax updated and they say it shows up corrected. So my lender pulls a new report and guess what, doesn't show any changes! I know they pulled an updated report because it shows up on my credit report as an inquiry on 07/23. Equifax says they updated on 07/16. My credit report dated the same day from them shows the account updated. Why would Equifax give a different credit report to the lender with no changes on it but the one I pull has the changes?? It has caused me to have to put down more money towards the house. The lender is mailing me a copy of the credit report they pulled dated 07/26 so I can see what their version shows. So now I am out more money because Equifax isn't giving the lender the right info!!! Wouldn't this be a FCRA violation? Would I have a leg to stand on if I sue?? I have a copy of the version of my report they sent and the version they gave the lender. Thanks you!
  2. Loan Queen

    Loan Queen Well-Known Member

    Give the "proof" to your lender and have them send a copy to whomever services their credit reports. They can verify and correct your report. Problem is if the investor pulls a "back up" credit it may not show the update, but yet, it might. Worth a try.
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  4. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    equifax uses different places to hold your info depending on where you live, for example..CSC handles mine in texas..and I have in the past noticed that there are slight descrepencies between what is on www.equifax.com when I pull my report online, and what I get in the mail when I've finished disputing something through CSC..this is probably what you are seeing..but Butch is right about reading that thread.

    ..I just wanted to put my 2 cents into the mix.
  5. willtygart

    willtygart Well-Known Member

    If your lender updates the reports like loan queen stated they WILL be updated on everyones credit reports because the lenders source goes directly to TU, EXP, and EQ to make these updates. 25 dollars per tradeline per reporting agency and a complete updating of a credit report (to correct balances and duplicate accounts) is a 45 dolalr maximum for the whole report for most lenders. good luck.

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