In my response letter from Experian I asked that they remove some items I recently paid off that were in collections. One of them was removed but two still remain. They are updated as paid/collection account as of 02-2005. Are there anymore suggestions as of what I can do to get them removed? When I paid them off I didn't have an agreement with either CA stating that they would remove it if it was paid. In fact Credit Protections Assoc. told me outright that they wouldn't. Commonwealth Financial didn't say they would either. Any ideas are much appreciated.
all you can do is SPAM dispute them. eventually they will fall off. just because you pay it doesn't mean it will be removed - you need to get it in writing.
Questions: 1. Is this where you use the "nutcase" letters? , or 2. Do you just keep sending "I dispute this claim" letters? 3. Do you threaten to send them a fruitcake?