2 neg tradline+old address deleted

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sweetpea4, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. sweetpea4

    sweetpea4 Member

    I started to call the CRA's for the first time and disputed the old addresses along with personal info over the phone.
    I got the updated CR and it has only my current and one previous address all the other old addresses are gone.
    Also to my amazement EXP deleted 1 CA and one charge-off which were reported under a SSN very close to mine but EQ and TU did not, these are my accounts though and are 3 month away from SOL. The CA's(Sherman Aq) have been sending in letters for a while now and last week I got an offer from Orchard Bank for a new CC if I transfer the Balance from one of the CA accounts.Can I dispute these accounts with EQ and TU and hope they are reported under wrong SSN. I think the CA's are upto something as the volume of letters I have been receiving from them have increase in recent months, the original amount was $900 on the account but they are asking for $2153.
    My question is can I start disputing on my Derogs now or should I try to remove the one previous address first?
    Also please advise me what is the best plan of action in this situation, I just fear I am going to make a mistake and will have to wait it out.

    My goal = mortgage late 2005.
  2. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    How exactly do you dispute addresses? Just like disputing an CO or derog on your CR? Or do you just say I never lived at that address?
  3. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    That's it!
  4. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    Thanks tr
  5. sweetpea4

    sweetpea4 Member


    I just called the CRA's and said thatnever lived at the address, they chack it against your tradelines and if no one is reporting against that address they will remove. I had about 19 that were removed.
  6. MinahSky

    MinahSky Member

    I've heard before that if you have negative items on your report and you remove the addresses that are linked to them, that the negative items can be deleted that way. That if you have the addresses removed, you might even end up with a blank file. So I guess that can buy you time to clean up the negative items with the OC/CA and they won't go back on with the positive items when the report is updated. Sounds good to me!
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: 2 neg tradline+old address deleted

    blank file --> credit score of 0...not too good!

    Removing old account even if they are negative sometimes will backfire because you will lose aging points off your scores
  8. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    Re: Re: 2 neg tradline+old address deleted

    The oldest thing on my credit history is a paid off car loan for $5700 (Never late, paid in full). Its from 1995ish. Other than that all the good items i have now I to my current address here in NY. The other derog is from my old address for a CO of $5500.. I would say losing the good one for $5700 and the bad one for $5500 is a good move 8)

    Address Deletion Letter will be mailed CRRR tomorrow afternoon 8)
  9. MinahSky

    MinahSky Member

    Re: Re: 2 neg tradline+old address deleted

    If you have nothing but derogs, it's not a bad thing. Once you have a clean file, you can get added on as an AU to a long history card with a high limit, low balance and it'll give you an instant 700+ score...If you have positive tradelines, they will be reported back anyway, probably in the next cycle. If you're still in the cleaning process, it doesn't really matter, does it?

    By the way, the rest of the post said that having it clean will give you time to dispute the baddies while they are OFF your report. Much better than having them on, no?

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