Repost from another board--hoping to get some better, more helpfull info here. OK.....lets's see. Disputed three unauthorized hard pulls on EX from American General Finance (2) and MBNA (1). Sent out letters to both AG (2 pulls) and MBNA (1 pull) Never heard jack, except for stall letters from MBNA asking for more info. After the second stall from them I fired off a firmer letter stating that I would not be providing any further information to them, and that If I did not receive a reply within 14 days of receipt to A) remove the inquiry and B) Arrange for payment in the amount of $1,000 to be made to me for violating the FCRA in regards to unauthorized pulls of credit reports. Received no reply in what I considered to be a reasonable amount of time, so I sent copies of the letters I sent to AG and MBNA requesting proof that I authorized the pulls,along with copies of the proof of delivery from the USPS. ent this into Experian last Friday morn.\ Today I receive two letters. One from AG's legal dept, from a Jeffrey L Ledbetter, Assistant General Counsel. The second from MBNA. AG's response was....(summarized) "The Law Dept of AGFS is in receipt of your correspondence dated May 16, 2006 wherein you questioned credit inquiries dated July 30, 2004 and June 2, 2005." "After investigation we cannot determine the reason the two of the three(???) AGFS inquiries and have submitted a request to Experian for removal........blah, blh, blah, blah" We have enclosed a copy of our letter of request provided to Experian. "Via facsimile: (224) 698-5375 (make note boys and girls...a fax number for EX) Sunray McQueen (EX contact name) Blah, blah, blah.....requesting the removal of teh American Gereral Finace Inquiries..........made on June 2, 2005 by subscriber code 1568960 (may be good for something) and on July 30, 2004 by subscriber code 2511150 e have determined that these inquiries were a result of clerical error (My ass) and should not have been placed om Mr. XXXXXX's credit report. Then comes the BS reply from MBNA..... "In response to your recent request, we have asked the consumer reporting agency Experian to delete the inquiry........" Then they go on to ask me If I would like to apply for an account...........Farg Off!!!!! I basically have admissions from both of them that I never authorized the pulls. This puts AG's liability at $2,000 and MBNA at $1,000. How should I approach this next? Should I follow up with a Demand For Payment/Offer Of Settlement Letter, or an Intent to Sue letter?? Which do you think would have more of an effect, and produce the desired outcome? I really can't be bothered with court with all the BS I have going on right now, but I will if I have to. Any suggestions on how to word the "Demand For Payment/Offer Of Settlement letter" or the "Intent To Sue" letter? This is my first time going all the way with this, and I would like a positive result--even if it is a settlement for 50-75%. I'm sick and tired of these bastarges getting away with whatever they please--especially MBNA/BOA. Any guidance is greatly apprecited.
Why only 2 of 3 inquiries removed? Are they claiming they had a reason for one inquiry, allegedly a "transaction initiated by the consumer", you? Or do you have existing relationships with these companies, and they coded normal Account Review inquires as Hard? What is your "desired result"? Are their actions predatory, trying to illegally use access to your files to their advantage, merely incompetent, or random clerical error? Have they made use of the information obtained, or were employees pulling information for personal, and illegal, reasons? If your time is not too valuable, or you are dealing with a larger pattern of id theft or predatory activity, it might be worth pushing, but otherwise, is this the best use of your time? Why are you getting unauthorized hard inquiries from 2 different companies at about the same time? Is someone using your identity information?
This is what strikes me funny. Experian only shows 2 hard pulls from American General one in 2004 and one in 2005. They in their letter claim to me that they can not determine the reason for two of the three inquiries. I have no clue what this third inquiry is, nor does it show anywhere on EX or EQ and TU. American General claims 'clerical error' How could it be a clerical error pulling my report twice in two years? MBNA gives no reason at all as to why they made the pull. Just a letter stating that they will be removing it. I have no relationship at all with American General or MBNA. I *did* have a relationship with BoA years ago, before the account was discharged in a ch7. I have no idea why either one of them pulled the reports, or why AG says 'removing 2 out of 3' when Experian shows only 2. As far as my time goes...I have nothing but time on my hands really. I work nights, and suffer from severe insomnia. So I have nothing else to do all day, and I'm always up for a good fight. As far as ID theft, I don't think so. I did just recently place a fraud alert on my files after TriadFinancial (aka made an unauthorized pull. My desired results?? Basically just to hold these bastardges accountable for once.
Why did Roadloans make a pull? Had you been shopping for a car? Did a dealer pull your reports without permission? Or is there someone with a similar name getting his file mixed with yours?
No clue to Roadloans eaither. I havent applied for an auto loan in over two years. Their initial reply to me way a form letter which showed a revision date of 4/11/06.....the pull was made on 4/12/06. So I personally think it was a CYA move on their part, as they expected a surge of inquiries for unauthorized pulls. When pushed further about the issue asking what dealer made the pull, etc, they replied with "We'll remove the inquiry within 30 days" I placed the fraud alert on my reports after this, as I didn't know what was going on. But it doesn't seem to be. It just seems that some of these places are doing hard pulls at will. No accounts have been opened other than those that I opened myself.