Just received my 3 credit reports, and I have a lot of things to work on What is the best way to get old addresses deleted? Should I list the addresses as not mine? I have been at my current address for 2+ years. Only EX has 20 old addresses EQ and TU only reporting current and the previous 2. Also should I start disputing my Derogs Accts with the address request or should I wait? Nice to be on this Board, I have been reading post for past 2+ months and finally decided to fix my credit on my own. My target: Mortgage late2005
Ive been able to get Experian to delete only 1 previous address and it was after sending them a Certified letter demanding it off (not my address ... long story in my latest post) . I also requested them to delete all other addresses other than the one Ive lived at for 9 years and they did not . SO , your milage may vary . Equifax and TU Ive had good luck with deletions of previous addresses .
Best luck I had was calling the CRAs and explaining that I never lived at those addresses. If the rep is nice, you should have no problems.
What is the best way to get old addresses deleted? Also should I start disputing my Derogs Accts with the address request or should I wait? *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ***************** >Call -say never lived there please remove. Do not disput before the old address (s) are removed.Very important. Welcome to CN
Thank you all for the good advise, I will start calling the CRA's and if that does not work I will dispute the addresses by mail. Only after that I will start disputing my Derogs.. I will keep you posted. My target: Mortgage late2005