$200 Chase Platnium credit card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CyByte, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. CyByte

    CyByte New Member

    I had some hard times and needless to say my credit is no where near good anymore. I applied for a credit card and received a Chase platnium master card. I think the interest is 19.99% and a 200.00 limit on the card. I am planning on using the card for monthly expenses and then paying it off each month.

    Is this a credit card that I should keep and use for awhile?

    I applied for about 5 different cards. This was the only one that accepted me.

    I just found this forum from a link on fatwallet.com seems like a nice site.
  2. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Use it for a while to build your credit history and increase your FICO. If it's not a huge annual fee, I'd keep it just to have the history.

    I'm not sure how Chase is with increasing credit limits or lowering APR, maybe someone here can offer some insight.
  3. CyByte

    CyByte New Member

    as far as I can tell there is no annual fee with this card.

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