2001 Coups & Defeats

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by $wealth$, Dec 11, 2001.

  1. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    As the year is coming to an end, I thought it would be nice to summarize our successes and defeats for the year as a benchmark of how far we have come with hard work and perservance. Newbies there is definately a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Coups - 2001
    Direct Merchants Bank - Account closed for 2 years, now re-instated
    Bloomingdales - Re-instated
    Saks - Re-instated
    Bailey Banks & Biddle - Re-instated
    Home Depot
    Household Bank Visa
    Capital One - $ 1700 increase
    Capital One - $ 1400 increase
    Discover Card - $ 1500 increase
    Target Visa - Approved via Reconsiderations
    Amex Corp Gold - Approved via Reconsiderations
    Amex Gold Delta - Approved via Reconsideration - I think, as they have asked for a letter from my employer.
    Washington Mutual Visa - Approved

    Bank of America
    Generations Bank
    First USA

    6 month Goal

    Approx July 2002 Goal
    Bank of America

    Any one else care to share.

    Dang! I wish we still had spell check:)
  2. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Aahh come on. Some one else please share.

    Don't leave me hanging out here all by myself:(
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Ok I give.
    1)victories against Experian (credit data southwest) with my lawsuit - all negs deleted.

    2)Got rid of gulf state from all reports until they just recently reinserted a listing, despite not responding to validation for over 4 months. Filed lawsuit against them last week but haven't had it served yet.

    3)From 45 negatives amongst all 3 reports to TU - 0 negs but 2 public records
    Equifax - 1 neg.
    Experian -0 negs

    Now to decide which cards to apply for as I have 0 inquiries in the last 6 months.
  4. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Thanks LKH for joining me. Now I don't feel so all alone:)

    Regarding that reinstart from Gulf State, try again disputing directly with the credit reporting agency.

    Somewhere in the FCRA there is something that states that "if an item is deleted, a certification must be provided to the consumer within 5 days. If they don't do this, the item can not be re-inserted on your credit report.

    Of course I'm just para phrasing, but using the verbage of "Certification" has worked for me in having a once deleted item, which was reinserted deleted for good!

    Hope this helps.

    Dang, where is that spell checker?
  5. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'll bite, even though I recently posted some of this info...

    My successes have been totally due to reconsiderations:

    Citibank - 3 new accounts, all of them reconsiderations, after previous charge off
    BofA - reconsideration after decline on too many inquiries
    Chase - reconsideration after decline on too many inquires
    AmEx blue - reconsideration after decline on length of credit history
    Generations - reconsideration after decline on too many inquiries, later became car loan

    Cap One platinum reached in October 2001 from $500 Gold in February 2001 - this is the one I'm most happy about...

    My crash and burn failures (not as widely publicized :):

    Sears store card - decline on silly reasons not related to my real reason codes
    local credit union - 2 times for not having a 650 on their Beacon, they are score dependent
    AmEx delta gold - 3 times (I know!) for derogatory account later ignored by them for Blue (?)
    Nextcard - 1 time for derogatory account later deleted
    Chase - early this year, 1 time for derogatory account later deleted

    My goals for 2002:

    NO MORE INQUIRIES (don't need no more credit, dang it!...)

    pay down all CC debt in one year

    pay in full monthly for all new purchases

    allow accounts to age and negotiate "go to" aprs

    get last (inaccurate) derogatory account deleted

    I'll tell anyone that I am a FIRM believer in reconsiderations. They work!

    Thanks, $wealth$!
  6. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Way to go Marci.

    Ditto on "reconsiderations" My last 3 account were due to recon.

    Thanks for joining the club:)
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Thanks. It's already taken care of though. Maybe you didn't see the letter I posted that I sent to the cra, but it covers most of the problem. As far as Gulf state goes, I sent validation, estoppel and a demand letter, all ignored. This is contained within the letter I sent to the cra. I also sent the cra copies of all letters and certified mail receipts signed by gulf state. Since gulf state has chosen to be quiet, I filed a lawsuit against them last week. I will probably have them served next week. I was waiting for the cra to contact them about the entry first, and them, double whammy. I'm also filing another complaint with my state banking dep't., atty. gen'l. and the georgia atty. gen'l. That ought to rattle their thick heads a little.
  8. reality89

    reality89 Well-Known Member

    I saw this thread and thought that it might be a good idea to see how far I've come.


    22 Neg, 1 Good to:
    11 Neg, 4 Good


    18 Neg, 1 Good to:
    9 Neg, 3 Good


    I don't like them. I just got my report after trying for 6 months.

    And these dont include what will happen with C.H.O.D.

    and that is in 6 months of my spare time.

    No resolutions for next year other than its not going to be as friendly and nice as I started out. Its time to start playing hard ball with some of these people, with a lot of advise from the board of course.

    Thanks for all the help over the last months.
  9. ifhn166

    ifhn166 Active Member


    If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to go from Cap 1 Gold $500 to Cap 1 Plat in 8 months?
  10. star

    star Well-Known Member

    LKH- I really need to know what part of the FCRA it states if they dont notify you in 5 days that they did reinsert they must then delete it again, I plan to sue chex for this very reason and want to know if that statement is definetly in the FCRA. thanks
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member


    My suggestion is to read the FCRA so you know the laws yourself. Here is the link. The rule regarding reinsertion is under section 611 - rule 5.

  12. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    I'll join in the fun:)

    Exactly one year ago I only had Capital One which was reinstated,Providian and First premier with limits totally $1000.

    I had 20 neg on EX
    I had 15 on EQ
    I had 22 on TU

    Now today I have 1 neg on EQ
    0 negs on TU
    0 negs on EX

    all my scores in the high 600s and I am trying to land solidly in the 700 club!


    AMEX Optima Plat.
    AMEX LOC and ODP
    Bank of America
    CHase Gold and still working on the Chase Plat.
    Citibank Plat
    MBNA Plat Plus
    Burdines (re-instated)
    Target Visa
    GM Card
    Household Bank Gold
    Oh yeah and 2 orchard bank cards

    with limits hovering around $50000

    Now I did have a few setbacks

    Discover flat out denied me not enough credit history for them
    Fleet same reason
    First USA strange but who cares, i have heard enough bad things to be happy they did decline me.
    Amex green and blue both times I was shot down , but after 3 to 6 months of good history with the OPtima Plat. I should have no problems getting either one.
    ABA Citibank card. I was very dissappointed about that one because at first they said I was approved and then declined me.

    Juniper after 3 trys, shot me down

    I can't get a gas card for the life of me.

    Monogram bank shot me down three times never had an account with them and they denied for the LOWES, HOMEDEPOT AND Exxon/Mobil card

    But I am not complaining, I have exceeded my expectations for the year an look forward to building my limits with existing banks and limiting my inquiries and hitting the 700 club next year.

  13. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

  14. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Great coups for 2001 Cyprigirl.

    Looks like you are firmly in prime land.

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