Stacy, Not everyone has the time and stamina to launch a good credit defense so if CH7 would put your mind at ease then go for it. You can always clear your credit afterwards. They don't throw you in jail for defaulting on debt so you won't be a fugitive. If you want to be a fugitive there are several good books on creating new identity...both legally and illegally.
Ok, here is my .02 worth... I filed BK7 in 1993. It was SUCH a relief! I was no longer hounded at work or at home. I was no longer afraid to answer the phone or to go to the mailbox. BK7 is NOT the end of the world. I was able to get a mortgage 18 months out of BK. I got 2 secured credit cards and a car loan from a sub-prime lender. Due to my stbx's alcoholism, I had to file BK13 in 1998. With the help of this site, I now have 2 car notes and 2 unsecured credit cards. You can see my scores below and I am waiting for the results of my chod disputes. (Their lawyer says that they will delete.) I am concerned about the advice you were given about not listing your car. I have read BK law extensively. (That is how I got a judgement vacated and off the bureau!) According to the law, you have to list ALL your debts regardless of whether they are dischargeble or not. The court will then tell your creditors who will get paid and who will not. (Your student loans will.) To keep your car, you reaffirm that debt. BK is a personal decision. For me, it was the right answer. In Aug 03, the BK7 will drop from my report and my BK 13 will be 5.5 years old (18 months from dropping off as well!) I wish you only the best and noone here will judge you for your decision nor criticize you for the mistakes you made. As you stated, you are learning from them. That is the best you can do!