I just opened a Capital One Platium card with a $20,500 line. It isn't called a "no hassle" card, but Eugene Cook from Cap One assures me that it is functionally identical, and the terms on the literature that came with it certainly make it look that way. It's 0% through January, then 7.9% fixed after that--with nothing more for BTs or cash advances. Today, having had the account open for about a month, I received their "no hassle" solicitation for 4.9% for a year, 8.9% fixed after that. If I could get another decent line with them using this offer, I would be inclined to take it. However, I'm loathe to waste a hard inquiry on each CRA if they would turn me down or give me a trival line. Anyone have good info on whether this would be worth a try? TIA, Dave
Wow.. you got a great limit and APR from them.. What are your scores like? And was this a solicitation from them to apply for the 7.9 or did you just call them up and apply?
Hi Dave - just check the new offer - it MAY say you are excluded if you have opened another acct in the last 45 days - if so - wait until 46 days and send it! aarrfff - dogman
Yes, I had 3 Cap 1 cards, just make sure you wait in between each one. I can't remember if it was 30 or 45 days!
Thanks for the replies me, my scores are all 700s (haven't checked in a few months tho. I got this offer in the mail, and called Mr Cook before accepting to ensure that I was getting "no hassle" terms. I asked for a $14,500 BT option while applying...my guess is that's the only reason I got the > $20K limit. dogman, thanks...checked, only thing I could find on any of the literature was, the second item under "terms of offer:" "I understand that this offer is based on an initial assessment that I met Captial One's credit standards, and that I may be ineligible if I have been approved for a previous Captial One offer. I understand my credit line will be determined after Capital One approves my Invitiation." Also says above that "the lines of credit offered with the Platium MasterCard account range from $5,000 to $20,000." Odd, since they just approved a $20.5K line...? Thanks tracyb0313. My last account was opened June 5, this offer expires 8/9. Perhaps I should wait a full 45 days to be safe if I want to do this...?
Great Job Dave. You're the first I have heard who recieved the 7.9! I have 3 Cap 1 cards at present. Applied for 2 Platinum about 50 days apart. Recently recieved an offer for another but it said 90 days between cards and it hasn't been that long yet.
Thanks for the congrats and the data point, Hermit5. Interesting that your latest offer said 90 days. Good to know that 50 days worked for you too.... This seems to further suggest that I wait until just before the offer expires