3 mo clean up, how?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dtg, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. dtg

    dtg Well-Known Member

    LK said I can clean up my credit in 3 mo, how can this be when I have tried for 2 years?

    I have Disputed and disputed, only a few come off such as duplicates. I have asked for verification from collection companies. Many sent proof. I have tried most of the things on this board except to sue the CRAs. Is that the only thing left? I am thinking seriously of BK.
  2. dtg

    dtg Well-Known Member

    What about validation letters for large amounts such as 7k? I thought I read that if it is over 3k don't do it because they will do a judgement. Also what if it has been sent back to the original creditor such as Discover who really plays hard ball. Thanks for all your help. You give me hope, but it is still hard for me to know if BK isn't really the best thing for me. I quess I have nothing to loose, right?
  3. dtg

    dtg Well-Known Member

    Good advice, thanks for the info. You are giving me more hope all the time! But I do have one question, what kind of validation letter do you send to an original creditor? I am going to try the other one for CA. Thanks.
  4. wag

    wag Guest

    If you want some good advice on what to do then listen to Lizardking and don't go filing no bankruptcy.

    He isn't pulling your leg. He is telling you what he did and it worked for him so it can work for you too.

    And he isn't the only one it's worked for either.
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    What gave him away? The eagerness to agree with you? Yep, sounds like Bill! He just wants to get along. LOL ;o)

    On a tangent, LizardKing, do you think that the two year time limit being discussed in at least one other thread will have any effect on this approach, or are the grounds for suit against the CRA's sufficiently different (fom those referenced in the articles) to allow some wiggle room?
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    that post sounded exactly like bill to me, and i have not been around that long.
  7. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    Please answer the question about what kind of letter one sends to the original creditor. Some of mine are only with the original creditor eventhough it was years ago, such as Amex. Thanks.
  8. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Do you have a copy of the letter used to demand deletion by the CRA's due to lack of acequate proof from the creditors? I have copies of all the validation letters I sent and any replies I may or may not have received were not by certified return receipt. This letter would be of great help. Is there one posted in the letters section of this board?

  9. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    I have that letter, if we are talking about the same one. But I didn't know if it was good for original creditors because they probably have proof.
  10. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I should have made my posting clearer. I was requesting a copy of that letter from Lizardking for my own personal use.

    Also, Must a CRA remove an entry just because you say the collector has not verified it? Cant the CRA just say that THEY verified it and thats all that matters?

  11. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    i only printed it out. It's kind of long so I wont retype it, but if you do a search under Lizardking, you can find it there.
  12. wag

    wag Guest

    Lizardking, admit it. You are a terrorist :-0)
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Here is a letter I wrote last week to send to the cra's for exactly this reason. I don't know if it will work yet or not, but all the valid points for deletion are contained within. Plus, it has Lizards' seal of approval.

    December 6, 2001
    credit bureau
    city, state, zip

    To Whom It May Concern:(or dear credit bureau mental midget moron)

    This is a request for deletion of a disputed item. I have attempted to have this allleged debt verified by the alleged creditor and collection agency to no avail. I am respectfully requesting that Credit Data Southwest do what is legally mandated by the FCRA and FDCPA, and delete the account listing.

    The debt in question is as follows:
    collection agency Account xxxxxx

    On (such and such date) (collection agency) received a demand for validation from me. Attached is a copy of that letter along with the U.S. Post Office return receipt showing they did indeed receive the request. As of today, Dec. 6, 2001, they have failed to provide any proof or respond in any way.

    On (date), I sent a second letter. Again, I have received no response. Attached is a copy of the letter and the U.S. Post Office showing they did receive that letter.

    On (date), I sent yet another letter. Again, I received no response. Attached is a copy of that letter as well as a copy of the U.S. Post Office return receipt.

    The FDCPA states they must cease collection activity until they have produced verification of the alleged debt if so requested. As per the FTC, this includes reporting to the credit bureaus, which they obviously have done illegally. It is quite evident that no such proof of this alleged debt exists or they would have provided it in the previous 4 months since it was requested.

    Also, when an alleged debt is disputed, a notation must be entered on the debtors report showing the item as in dispute. Again, this was not done. Another violation of the FDCPA.

    As per the FCRA, if no proof of debt exists, it may not be reported to the credit reporting bureaus. The FCRA also states that the credit reporting agencies must accept written proof from the debtor.

    Therefore, I am not asking for an investigation to be done, I am requesting that the entry be deleted in its' entirety as there is no proof of its' existence as evidenced by my attached documented proof.


  14. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member


    Thanks for this!

    I'm almost at the point in my battle where this will come in very handy. Probably another three weeks or so. I'll report back on the results.
  15. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Wow, pretty hefty letter! I can't wait to send it out. What I'm wondering now is how can they NOT delete after getting a letter like that?

  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    As I mentioned above, I just sent mine out as my contribution to C.H.O.D. so I have no idea how or if I will work. But I wish us all the best of luck with it. Actually, should a cra fail to remove the entry as a result of this letter with all documented proof attached, they could be in for a lawsuit. My inclination is they will realize that the people who send this letter will know their rights, and they won't want to take any chances and will delete it. At least I hope that is how it works out.
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    LKH, this is a great letter! If that doesn't work, the next step is small claims against the CRA, and at that point they'll probably fold -- irrespective of whether they bump it up to Federal court or not. The trail leading to that point is so clear (validation attempt 1; validation attempt 2; estoppel; post-estoppel to CRA; small claims), with violations of both FCRA and FDCPA so clearly delineated along the way, that it would almost be fun to get to court for something like this. As Bill Bauer once said (ok, those of you who just spit up your snacks are excused), "It's important to have a plan and to know what comes after the validation, and after that, and after that." I believe he also once said something like, "listen to Lizardking and don't go filing no bankruptcy," but I can't remember when. (Just kidding.)

    Seriously, kudos to you LKH! :)

  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Thanks Doc. Appreciate the nice words.
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Careful where you go with this. My daughter is a Catholic School Girl.
  20. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member


    This is such an great thread. These strategies are so rarely discussed on this board anymore.

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