I found the following information on another web site in a section called â? 10 Things To NEVER Do When Dealing With The CRA'sâ?. Anyone have any further information regarding this? Third Never lie in your dispute. In several states, it is a crime for you to lie when disputing your credit report with the CRA's. Be very careful and never lie or make a misleading statement when dealing with the credit bureau's. Furthermore, it is truly not necessary to lie when disputing your credit report. Remember, you have the right to dispute your credit report as long as you have a reason to believe that is in unverifiable or inaccurate. In order to dispute the information that is technically accurate, but you feel should be investigated and ultimately deleted because it has been unverified, you must invent another reason for disputing it other than it is "not mine" or "was never late". Copied from http://www.faircreditmovement.org/neverdo.htm
Absolutely correct! Never lie! Never! No need to. 99 times out of a hundred SOMETHING will be incorrect on every negative entry on your report...balance not correct, date of last activity not correct, charge off date not correct, 3 times 30 days late (when you were 30 days late at least 7 times ...so simply dispute as "inaccurate and unverifiable information" and you are not lieing and hence not breaking any laws. Also disputing as "Not Mine" is perfectly legitimate when you have not yet been given proof that it IS your account. Unless and until an account is validated with your signature or some proof that it belongs to you, how would you "know" whether it is, or is not your debt. It could also very easily be a mistaken attempt to collect a debt you paid years ago. Therefore until they validate, disputing as "Not Mine" is not breaking any laws. As I see Sam just posted..."What debt??..I don't remember owing $763.45 to A1 Financial Corp Ltd Inc LLC." -Peace, Dave