3 Questions From A Newb

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nacho, May 30, 2006.

  1. Nacho

    Nacho New Member

    Hello just want to introduce myself and want to thank everyone in advance for any help they could offer. I have been lurking here for a few weeks and have learned much from you folks. I have used the search function but have had trouble understanding some things. I am posting these 3 questions in hope that someone can point me in the right direction.

    I filed for chapter 7 (California) and it was discharged back in 7-2001. I currently have scores of 684 TU, 588 Exp, and 704 from Equifax (pulled my reports from Truecredit).

    My 3 questions have to do with 3 things that appear in my credit reports.

    1. I included in my bk an account from Best Buy that had a balance of 300$. It is currently showing derogatory on my reports. If i contact Best Buy now and offer to pay this money would it come of my reports?

    2. Experian is showing a loan i had with a credit union 2 times on my CR. Both times it is showing as included in BK derogatory. TU and Equifax only show it once. Can i get one of the Experians removed?

    3. Under "Collection Accounts" in my reports Experian and TU are showing the credit union loan with a collection agency. It was discharged in the BK should the collection agency be showing it as a separate account?

    I appreciate all you folks helping us newbs. I realize we have to put our work in and search and i am willing to do that some more. Is there any specific threads anyone can recommend?
  2. jwk

    jwk Member

    1. You don't pay an account that is included in a BK. The BK takes care of it.

    2. Dispute one of them as a duplicate.

    3. It should be shown as included in bankruptcy. Dispute it. In fact, dispute everything, because some of them may fall off.
  3. Nacho

    Nacho New Member

    Thanks JWK. I will dispute the duplicate one. When you say dispute everything what reason do i say i am disputing it? I did file for BK and they were included in it. What reason do i put on the paperwork. Thanks for your help.

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