Hello just want to introduce myself and want to thank everyone in advance for any help they could offer. I have been lurking here for a few weeks and have learned much from you folks. I have used the search function but have had trouble understanding some things. I am posting these 3 questions in hope that someone can point me in the right direction. I filed for chapter 7 (California) and it was discharged back in 7-2001. I currently have scores of 684 TU, 588 Exp, and 704 from Equifax (pulled my reports from Truecredit). My 3 questions have to do with 3 things that appear in my credit reports. 1. I included in my bk an account from Best Buy that had a balance of 300$. It is currently showing derogatory on my reports. If i contact Best Buy now and offer to pay this money would it come of my reports? 2. Experian is showing a loan i had with a credit union 2 times on my CR. Both times it is showing as included in BK derogatory. TU and Equifax only show it once. Can i get one of the Experians removed? 3. Under "Collection Accounts" in my reports Experian and TU are showing the credit union loan with a collection agency. It was discharged in the BK should the collection agency be showing it as a separate account? I appreciate all you folks helping us newbs. I realize we have to put our work in and search and i am willing to do that some more. Is there any specific threads anyone can recommend?
1. You don't pay an account that is included in a BK. The BK takes care of it. 2. Dispute one of them as a duplicate. 3. It should be shown as included in bankruptcy. Dispute it. In fact, dispute everything, because some of them may fall off.
Thanks JWK. I will dispute the duplicate one. When you say dispute everything what reason do i say i am disputing it? I did file for BK and they were included in it. What reason do i put on the paperwork. Thanks for your help.