My husband has a rental collection thats been reporting since 2007. I have diputed this account to no end I have sent validation letters to no end! They simply respond to "we dont have to validate". So I just left it alone. 4 weeks ago we get a summons for $6,010. I know this is not the amount owed!!! But I dont want a judgment so I made payment arragments in the amount of $300 monthly. Welll the other day I sent a letter to original creditor and they send me something back saying we only owe 2,300!!! How they heck does this CA get $6,010. My question is should I send my proof to the credit agencies telling them to remove this account it's clearly wrong and NOW I finally have the proof!
$2300 + (interest, fees, and penalties) = $6010. Did you request validation within the 30-day window?