30 day late turned to chargeoff

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cbcwby, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. cbcwby

    cbcwby New Member

    I have two loans with a local credit union,one paid with one 30 day late.the other is charge off for $213.I contacted the c u about paying off the bad debt and asked if they would clear the 30 day late.was told to dispute it with cab and they would fix it.so I did and they changed the status to charge off....so I disputed again and came back as paid charge off. I have contacted c u again and they verify that it is correct..what do I do? I still have not paid the $213 charge off...I see no reason to pay it at this time.I did agree to pay if they fixed,but still no answer

    Thanks for any help you can give me
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    I'm a bit confused by your question. Are you saying that both accounts are reporting as paid charge-offs now, even though you never paid the $213 charge-off?
  3. cbcwby

    cbcwby New Member

    Sorry ... no the $213 Is still reporting as unpaid..my problem is what to do about the auto loan that was never charged off and now showing as a paid charge off?
  4. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    OK, so the auto loan with the 30-day late is now reporting as a paid charge-off. It seems strange to me that the CU is verifying that this was a paid charge-off all of sudden. Have you asked them to provide you with documentation showing the payment history on the loan?
  5. cbcwby

    cbcwby New Member

    Actually i have. I also explained that i have copies of my cr where it was only 30 late one time.they still say its a paid charge off. i have copies of all the disputes and where it was changed.all i can figure is they are doing this because of the other loan. I am willing to pay the other loan but not till they make things right.
  6. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Copies of your credit reports don't really prove anything in regards to payment history on the account. Did they provide you with an actual ledger showing all your payments on the auto loan? That's what you need...if the loan was really paid off, then the ledger should show that.

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