30 days (for some) Doc's trick

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MandyB, Sep 13, 2002.

  1. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my two inquiries investigation results are due tomorrow, I check exp today and they are still there.
  3. creditxxx

    creditxxx Member

    I got 4 out of 6 deleted. Score went up 5 points!
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    two hard's deleted today.... no score increase
  5. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I disputed 6. Today 4 were deleted, 1 verified, 1 is still in dispute.

    I have 2 others I didn't dispute.

    Score went up 5 points.

  6. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    6 of 8 deleted! Increase of 6 pts.
    Thanks Doc!

  7. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    Results were due on 9/15. Today 36 hards are gone!!
    No change in score yet. Alot of these were mortgage inquiries so I don't know if I will see much scorewise. Anyway thank you Doc! The only one that verified was providian. I did not dispute cap1 since I had opened an account.
  8. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    Final results 5 outta 7 deleted woohoo :)
    I got a couple of points a few days ago when the first few were deleted so I imaginge after creditexpert does its usual system update over the weekend a couple more points are to come.......(which will open the 600 door for me I am soo happy can't wait)

    Thanks Doc !!!

  9. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Jamie, what do you mean the "CE...usual system updates over the weekend"?

    I'm at day 30.

    Disputed: 11
    Verified: 4 (including Nextcard)
    Deleted: 7 (Cap1 -2 inq's)
    Still under reinvestigation: 0
    Score change: 0

    I can't believe I have not been given back some points. Why the heck not? I now have no inquiries from the last 14 months. You think my score would have gained at least a point with 7 inquiries falling off. I'll bet I'll lose 5 if I get so much as a single inquiry now. I wonder if GEORGE and I are distant relatives.....
  10. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    drumroll please! 36 deletions = 4 points. Then again it is not a real score anyway. Its funny how the crappy simulator told me if the inquiries were gone I would have a score of 760. well I went from 639 to 643. Just checked my real score ( Im in the mortgage business) and it is 605, gained 4 points there as well. The other 2 reports are in the high 600's but experian is not being kind to me.
  11. Jaboom97

    Jaboom97 Well-Known Member

    Results are in:
    12 hard inq's out of 13 disputed have now been deleted. 1 remains from 11/03/01 for Providian. Really did not notice a score change. Periodically in the last 30 days about 3-4 were deleted and then others remained pending until Friday 9/13/02 checked in about three times yesterday and 1st check 4 more were deleted, then 2nd time checking again and this time 1 was remaining(Prov.) the remainder pending, and later last night I checked the report and noticed all were gone but the 1 lonely inq from 11/01 and my Cap 1 Plat inq from late August 02(was not disputed though) So 1 old inq and 1 rather new inq--maybe that is why did not notice a score inc as the cap 1 inq is rather new???? But so were many of the inq's removed--some for accounts opened
    Hopefully this will work again for those that did not get to contest their hard inq's the first time through-as for me the soft inq's still remain as they will eventually purge off the account as time passes.

    Again Thanks for the great info. Good luck and congratulations to all who succeeded with Doc's trick
  12. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    5 out of 5 deleted
    No score change. in fact frozen since 8/26 or so
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Just to let you know that Experian claims that they score we see is the score that creditors see. They claim it is the real deal.
  14. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    all gone..also 2 derogs gone..one being a car repo from 1996.
    went from 593 to 609 :) so finally in the 600 club on one report! 16 points.

    i did a mass dispute..like 30 items all at once.
    thanks doc and everyone else. I still have work to do though, of course.
  15. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    I missed out!!!!!

  16. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    Verified--------------->7 ( F****n Capital One and MBNA )
  17. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I'm curious about something. Did any of you dispute inqs for cards you DID receive?

    We tried that a few months ago and Monogram Bank closed all 4 of our accounts. It took a couple of calls to their security folks to get them reopened.

    Needless to say, we've never disputed another inq for an account we were approved for.

  18. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I remember reading that, so when I did mine, I left the ones for my active accounts. I will have 1 left right after Christmas.
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Four out of seven deleted; all hard. MBNA verified three inquiries-- not surprising since I just opened two accounts with them. Seems pretty harsh though-- Three inquiries on Experian and two more on TU for two new accounts.

    I'm getting a lot of mortgage inquiries right now, so it's been interesting to watch the supposedly real Experian Score dance around with the REAL Real score.

    697 (CE)--->673 FICO (two weeks ago)
    685 (CE)--->709 FICO (last week)
    705 (CE)---> ??? FICO (Today- I'll be getting another FICO this week)

    BTW, The EQ FICO and the TU FICO have been Spot-On every time.
  20. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    I disputed 2 hard inq

    WFNNB deleted
    Target verified
    2 point increase

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