30 days (for some) Doc's trick

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MandyB, Sep 13, 2002.

  1. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    5 hards deleted. Some softs deleted, couldn't keep track as well b/c w/ updates, the softs comes back on again. Nextcard verified.
  2. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    8 Hards: 6 disputed - 2 I left alone.
    5 deleted. One remains... but the date is 9/15/2000 so it leaves tomorrow. That leaves the 2 I didn't challenge since I had just opened accounts with them.

    15 softs challenged. 1 verified, 1 still in dispute, 13 deleted!


    Thanks Doc!! We Luv YOU!
  3. eyeballs4u

    eyeballs4u Member

    8 disputed, 7 deleted!!! wouldn't give out too much info with so many inquiring minds wanting to know. I figure if you give names of creditors deleted, someone can trace your name back to your report. NEVER PUT ANYTHING PAST THE "BIG THREE."
  4. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    7 of 8 hard deleted, one "verified." Net gain 8 points. Wahoo!. now just 4 mortgage related inqs from my refi, and 1 add'l.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Way to go everybody!

    George, one tip you should remember in case we're ever blessed with Round 3 of Doc's Trick:

    DON'T CLICK TO ADD COMMENTS WITH YOUR DISPUTE. When you said that you called them "duplicates" I fear that you added comments. When you add comments, that automatically queues your dispute for a real live human being to READ your comments. You don't want that to happen. Instead, you want the computer to handle it completely and automatically where at a certain point the item drops off if it hasn't been verified/"pinged" by the creditor's computer.

  6. cma

    cma Well-Known Member


    I'm at day 31.

    Disputed: 11 hard
    Verified: 4 (including Nextcard) hard
    Deleted: 7 (Cap1 -2 inq's) hard
    Still under reinvestigation: 0
    Score change: 16 points up(????????)

    When CW 'updated' yesterday/today I saw that my score had gone up 16 points, but I also had a new revolving account report that changed my CC utilization from 69% to 39%. So I'm not sure of what I gained from the points.

    At any rate:Thanks Doc!
  7. pdewitt99

    pdewitt99 Well-Known Member

    6 of 8 Hard inquiries were deleted, 2 within last 6 months. I wish I would have disputed everything, I didn't want to be greedy.
  8. slppryslp

    slppryslp Well-Known Member

    3 deleted 1 verified and 1 pending, not too shabby...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee you, Doc!

    TY, TY, TY and TY again.

    All but 1, the same one remaining from round 1, CBE Group, hmmm to them, are gone.

  11. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Doc (or anyone in the know), Is this true for ALL EXP disputes? Meaning that if under Request An Investigation you select one of the reasons and not Other where you add your own comments, then the dispute is computer to computer only? And that if you use the Other category, a human reveiws the dispute? Or is this true only for the inquiry disputes?

  12. ef

    ef Well-Known Member

    Doc's trick results (email notification came on 9/14):

    - hard inquiries: 6 --> 4 DELETED (Citi, FUSA, Cap1 off!)

    - soft inquiries: 39 --> 37 DELETED (CB&T, CreditExpert from Jan.2002[oversight] remain)

    CE score went up 16 points!

    THANKS DOC & thanks CreditNET!

    Eddie F.

    EXP 660 +16
    EQ 650 N/C
    TU 638 (?)
    Next step student loan lates!
  13. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    all my hards that i disputed went bye-bye....only gained 5 pts though. There were about 8 hards deleted. All were over 6mths old though.
  14. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say congrats to everyone!! Doc, you are definitely an asset to this board. I am also very sad because I didn't take advantage of your trick when it is was working. Oh well, maybe Doc's Trick will work again someday(sigh). I can only hope.
  15. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Doc's trick worked for me. All of mine were deleted I had six hards and 10 softs. Everyone was deleted. The softs were deleted almost immediately, while the hards all took the full 30 days.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Yippe skippee!!!!!!!!!!!

    10 of 10 deleted!!!!!!!!! (All hards)
  17. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Fiance: 4 hards deleted

    Friend 1: 8 hards deleted

    Friend 1's GF: 7 hards deleted

    Don't know score increase...
  18. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    I disputed 2 both deleted = +2points
  19. marisaldan

    marisaldan New Member

    Hi all

    Well I disputed 15 derogatories and got 9 deleted from my Trans Union credit report!!! Score when up from 499 to 663!! Now I will start with the inquiries. I hope I have luck there too. Thanks for everything.
  20. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Excellent!! Hope my quest is as good as yours. How old were the derogs? BTW, their talking about Hard and Soft Inquiries.

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