30 days late paid off car note

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by daboy1da, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. daboy1da

    daboy1da Member

    I have a few 30 days late from the credit union I have my car loan from. I am about to pay off the whole amount. Do you guys thinks it possible for them to take off the lates if i ask then to? Or should I send them a letter with the whole amount asking them nicely.
  2. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    I doubt paying your account off in lieu for removal of a your 30 days late will work, especially if you are not behind. But if you ask if they would remove them, sometimes they will. Alot of banks will do it once as a courtsey, but only one time. If you have a bunch of them they may only remove the most recent. The least you can do is ask. Worst case is they say no, and since you paid late its no big deal.
  3. daboy1da

    daboy1da Member

    Thank you. By the way i did ask and said he would work with me on taking all the lates off. He said just to dispute them on my credit file and he will do the rest :)

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