I've had a Cap One card for less than a year and rarely use it. I charged something a few months ago, got the bill, and thought I paid it online. A couple months after that I started getting hounded by calls, etc. I realized my mistake and promptly paid it in full. Does one 30 days late credit line affect my credit score much? How likely is it to contact them and get them to take it off my report? I've used lots of good advice on this board and it's helped me tremendously! Thanks, Sledge
Only one 30 days late should not affect the score very much. Sorry, don't know too much about Cap One's policy about removing the remark, but it's worth a try.
I don't know that they'll remove it. Cap One is pretty tough in my opinion. But if you've had the account a while you can try. The problem is that you're not using the account much. If you used it all the time and were a "good customer" then you might have a better chance.
Actually, Cap One is one of the easiest companies to remove lates in my case.I simply asked on 2 different ocassions and they have removed 30 and 60 day lates, no questions asked. Of course every ones case is different, but you have to try. Good luck
Update: I called CapOne and she said I needed to contact the credit bureaus - LOL. After about the third time I asked if she could remove it, she refunded me the $29 late charge and said it was all taken care of and I should see a change next month - we'll see. At least I got some money back. Thanks, Sledge
That is a good tip,, I had this 30 days late like a year ago,, I contacted them one time and I received a NO!,,, I will try again Thanks
Ok, I just called CAP ONE,, nicest supervisor on earth I GOT LUCKY I GUESS,,, since I am an old member and this was the only incident I have had with them he requested the removal of this 30 days late from my credit history with the 3 credit bureous,,, I am glad I joined here,,, good information everywhere