30 days no response now what?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by willracin, Sep 9, 2002.

  1. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    two trade lines on my CR from OC showing paid charge off / sold to......
    it is a CCC i have seen posted here. i disputed with CRA (verified) i sent validation letter no response it has been 48 days no response do i have a right to sue now or should i just send a copy of RR from delivery to CRAs and ask them to remove?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    send another request for validation ( look in sample letters sections). make sure you notate that they failed to respond to your initial request sent xxxx date and certified #xxxxxxx, and signed for byxxxxx.

    give them 15 days on this one, then send estopple. if you have to go to court you want the judge to see that you gave them mutlitple opportunities to validate the account.

    did they verify with the cra's during the validation period, if yes, that is a violation. Did they notate the the account is disputed by consumer... if not that is a violation.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    oops, sorry, i jsut read your post over and these accounts are with the original creditor... i would send the validation requests, but oc do not have to validate... the do have to notate account in dispute however..

    did you request full accounting including late and collection fees for these accounts?
  4. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    do you think since they did not verify on the first letter that they probably don't have any validation.

    and forgive me for asking something that must seem really simple to the experts here: but can i force them to remove (even if through court for not validating) i have read the FCRA and FDCPA several times but i am just not all that smart i guess cause i get validation and verification mixed up. This is not a CA but i never had an account with this company they bought out someone else i am told.
  5. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    if they haven't responded to me at all then am i not still in the validation period?
    i did dispute with CRAs during period
    EQ deleted
    EX says remains ( i assumes that means no change such as disputed)
    TU frivoulous (sent tu proceedures request)

    and as i said i never even new i had an account with them till i saw it on my CR
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You do now~
  7. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    even if it is paid ?
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You are unless you take the next step.
    Send them the 15 day estoppel letter.
  9. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    If i dont here from them then do i threaten to sue or do i send all documentation to CRAs?
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: 30 days no response now what?

    willracin | 76 posts since Aug 2002 | 09.09.2002 @ 11:10

    Originally posted by lbrown59
    You do now~
    even if it is paid?

    There are only 2 kinds of accounts paid and un paid.
    Doesn't matter who owns the debet it's still your account.

    LB 59
  11. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    why would they buy a paid account?
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    why would they buy a paid account?
    Because their greed makes them stupid:
    Also this gives them an opportunity to scam folks.


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