I sent a dispute to TU the 1st of august on an account that had a repossession listed. The listing was wrong there was no repossession I had clear title of the car. I have heard nothing from TU and the repo is still listed should I send a second letter demanding removal of the repo listing or is it better to contact the OC. ? This is the first time I havent had a response one way or another. Any input would be helpful thanks.
You want to count the 35 days from when you receive the green card. Because that will give you an indication of how many days it will be from when they've sent the results, since the green card is mailed back via regular mail. If you sent it on the 1st, it could be that depending on where you are, they didn't receive it until the the businsess day on or after the 6th (5 days) (the green card will give you the specific date), they have 30 days for the investigation, which would take it up until the 6th of Sept, and 5 days from then (until the businsess day on or after the 11th) to mail the results, and it could take up to 5 days for those results to be received. That's why if you count the 35 days from the day you receive the green card (which comes back regular mail), you have a good indication of the deadline for them to mail the results, and when you should receive them. Its also always good to allow for an extra week to make sure that the mail isn't delayed, especially with the three day weekend for the Labor Day holiday.
Thanks Jam, I almost sent another letter out. I thought possibly with the holiday it would delay things. So I will be patient for the time being...I wasnt sure if you sent another letter out on day 31, or if you gave it more time. Thanks for the reply.
It's always better to give them more time... TU especially will allow the DF until the last minute on the 30th day to respond.
Jam I am glad I listened to your advice. The REPO listing on my TU report was deleted today. My score went up 16 pts, Thanks for your advice.
glad for ya... TU waits up until the exact minute that the 30 days expires, before deleting. It was just a matter of waiting for the tradeline to turn into a pumpkin...