358 DAYS LEFT of bad credit...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, Oct 16, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    YUP - the last year of reporting is now in progress -
    I filed the Chap 13 BK on 10-10-1996.

    All will be deleted - and the Dogman will have back a perfect credit history. I ended up on the other side
    with a new Audi A4 and an AMEX Card, and a great relationship with Capital One.

    I will continue to use Cap One and AMEX. Then I will probably get one more - CHASE - or whoever will REWARD ME to use their card.

    It will be fascinating seeing the credit score change.
    EXP right now is 673 - haven't zapped the others yet;
    will it immediately go to 800? It sure should with
    no lates or negatives.

    I will get the mortgage the day the records clear...even though I could get one today. I want to go into a 15 yr deal at EXC rates - not even one late.
    Then I'll be set.

    Glad I did the Chap 13 now....but I did it because of health issues as you all know.

    OCT 2003 will be a GREAT MONTH! And of course, I will see what else I can dump from the negatives section on the credit reports in the meantime.

    aarrf - dogman
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the journey back. Keep in mind that if you dispute the bk about 3 to 4 months prior to the purge date set, the cra's most likely will delete it rather than verify. I'm not sure if all have this policy, but at least 1 will most times delete a few months prior to the purge date.

    PS - are we going to see you next week?
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi LKH - I plan on doing exactly that.
    I snap you a message -

    It'll be a thrill snapping that first Chase application - and BOOM - approved - haven't seen that in years LOL!

    I was one of the first to get something called a
    MELLON BANK Cornerstone Gold MC. The idea was that it you kept them for 20 yrs, you got all interest back. Well, of course that program ended.

    I clicked them online and immediately got $7200 - that was probably 1995. They are no longer in business LOL!

    aarrff - dogman
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    dogman, You haven't had any luck disputing the BK with the CRA's? I hate to bring up CHOD, because, I think, everyone is banking on it to much, but it maybe the right thing for you to do with only a year left. Good luck! Charlie
  5. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Hey, Dog!

    I'm right here with you....same circumstances as you know but my 13 was filed 11-11-1996...very few negatives accts left, latest is scheduled to drop off in 9-2003, all others drop off by 4-2003.

    I was able to get a prime mortgage through Wells Fargo at 6.25 fixed in July!

    I too have the Amex Gold but have had them all throughout the BK. Started with green in 1995 before BK and was upgraded to gold in 1999. They have always been good to me and I charge roughly $25K per year on the card.

    I am counting down this last year as well and am glad it's finally almost over!

  6. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it was a fluke or something, but I just got TU Bk from 2001 deleted yesterday. I am now disputing hubbys report to see if the same happens. I do want to add that the info was not reported correctly and after 30 days they just deleted.
  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hey NiceGuy!

    YUP - it seems strange to know the end date :)

    Hey Charlie - I will reread CHOD

    Hey Christi :)

    aarrf - dogman
  8. cadman

    cadman Well-Known Member

    Congrats Dogman. I too am about to get it turned around. My BK 7 is due to drop off in May. Counting the days until they don't auto deny because of BK. I should be able to get AMEX again, I did do the voluntary payback since they were included in the BK.

  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Cadman - congrats - yup - you'll get an AMEX.
    AND - we'll get pre-approved offers again - let's face it.....as soon as the BK and its accounts fall off...we could get nearly anything.

    The DIFFERENCE IS NOW, I do not have balances - other than Cap One for a month. That's the way it will stay. You know what? Its comfortable this way!

    aarrff - dogman

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