I've looked and looked and looked again, 387, TransUnion, eekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! I don't know whether to laugh or cry or both! I found an old post from badvibes, titled, "I am watching!hack me" sorry, I don't know how to post a link to a previous thread. Anyway, badvibes lists the names and credit scores for posters, looks like he was being malicious but it was interesting, there are NO other 300 scores listed, am I the only one with a score this low? I am waiting for other CR's via snail mail. The TU score is also known as your FICO score? Last year when homes were refinanced FICO was at 511. I've been lurking here since late December/early January, and am hopelessly addicted to the postings and grateful for the well thought and intelligent responses. I only wish I had found you all years ago. I wanted to come out of the lurking closet and say hi to you all. Now that I've months of reading behind me and feel like I've half a clue I'm sending first batch of validation letters. Seeing that score is some kind of motivation, wowOwowwwwwwwww, shaking my head still. I must say, it makes me feel better anyway, out of these 6 pages from TU only 2 items are correct. The only thing I owe monthly is for two mortgages and utilities. Thank you all for all your great advice, I'm putting it to good use, starting NOW!
Let me say when everyone was getting their FICO and posting it, I was the ONLY one who had a low 400 score (414 I think). I was very embarrased, but I have worked for almost a year and here I am in prime land today. I've gotten 2 cleared up and one more is on the way quickly. NEVER give up, read this board, use the search feature, read the FCRA, FDCPA, FCBA and ask questions. You WILL succeed.
Welcome Sassy! BTW - FICO is Equifax Experian is Beacon Not sure what TU is called (Besides "Fake-O")
Welcome Sassy Don't be too discouraged. I'm sure when I started my scores were significantly lower. Besides that TU score doesn't mean crap! It's not real. Tu = Empirica Equifax = Beacon Experian = Fico
TRANS UNION IS NOT F.I.C.O. https://www.econsumer.equifax.com/webapp/ConsumerProducts/pgConsumerProducts? $12.95 FOR F.I.C.O. SCORE AND EQUIFAX CREDIT REPORT. $38.85 FOR 4 REPORTS W/SCORES.
ok, I'm taking deep breaths, I found a good chunk of the problem. Please suggest the best way to address. Under public records: there is a judgement entered 05/1995 from a municipal court that is not mine. hubby and I declared C13 BK in 1998, was due to me having lost job and had a heart attack, it was discharged in 2001, everyone was paid in full. The report lists it twice, once as a filing with $0 assets and $0 liabilities, and lists it again as discharged, with $0 assets and $0 liabilities, but showing 4/2001 in the paid section. The first lists our attorney's name, the second doesn't. Court for both is listed as "Federal District." Previous mortgage listed 3 times with HFC and the information isn't right on any of them. 2 collection accounts, medical, entered twice, both showing $0 balances with amounts showing due under past due, LOL 4 collection accounts, medical, with one collection agency, these were all paid off with BK, from 1997/98, none updated since 1998/99, and all showing a balance due the same as the most owed. Reflects no payments at all? and finally, a 1997 voluntary repo with Bank One showing as a charge off, the balance shown isn't reflecting the sale, and the balance remaining after the sale was paid off with the C13. None of the accounts are being shown as discharged in C13, is that good or bad? Outside of current mortgages there is nothing currently reporting; we've not been able to qualify for anything we've applied for.
sassy-don't worry about the low score...mine is in the 400s at TU -- it is meaningless. Just need to clean up those mistakes. As for how to proceed from here, it looks pretty clear cut to me... - fight off judgement- dispute "not mine" - fight off multiple HFC- dispute "duplicates" - medical collections - dispute as "duplicates" - car repo- dispute as "PAID" - send validation letters to the medical collections that haven't updated in so long. Can use validation letters given in sample letter section but should put your own "spin" on it. If/when they do not respond or delete the entries, send second letter and then start disputing these off with letters as evidence. This will give you a good start... I can't really give advice on the bk13 since I have no experience, maybe others with bk can advise.