$4.10 balance is now $197.81...help!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hardfrag, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. hardfrag

    hardfrag New Member

    First of all, thanks for reading! I need some advice haha

    I've recently left a branch of the armed forces and found some bills prior to my service. I am currently out of the US.

    The bills were dated 3 years ago with a balance of $4.10 for something that I can't recall.. The CA asked me to write them to get the info.

    Basically I left the country in August and the statement arrived in September.

    I called the CA and they say they can't respond to any requests for information from abroad and I need a US address.

    At this point, I would like to dispute the accrued late fees as the original card agreement states that a balance under $15 is not charged a fee. However, I'm seeing a fee of 10$ every month.

    If I pay off the debt, will it just show as paid in full? Is it worth settling or asking for a pay for delete? What is the best option here?

    It doesn't feel right paying 200 dollars for what was 4 dollars originally.

  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    First, I want to say thank you for your service to our country.

    Now, if you pay off the debt in full, then yes - it will show on your credit report as a collection paid in full. That's basically as bad as an unpaid collection. I suggest disputing the amount through the CRAs since it sounds like you have some documentation to support the fact that charges shouldn't have been levied on such a small amount. If that doesn't work, then negotiate hard with the CA for a reasonable settlement and complete removal of the negative listing from your credit reports.

    Good luck! Please come back, let us know how things progress, and share what you've learned with others who have similar questions.
  3. hardfrag

    hardfrag New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    Will the CRA even look at the dispute since the dispute isn't with the balance but with the late fees?

    So, should I dispute with the CRA first while DV with the CA?

    And when the request to the CRA comes back null, should I dispute it with the CA?
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Before you do anything, go and talk to the JAG. There are laws about collecting from military, especially on debts incurred before you went into the service.

    Tell the JAG everything and follow their advice.

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