I disputed a few accounts with experian the day before thanksgiving (nov 21) one full week later, 2 have already come back verified. The woman at Experian said they send the disputes by mail, not fax or email or phone. Is it possible to receive a verification that quick????
No way! Experian is famous for this cr*p. First off, some people may disagree, calling anyone at these CRAs is on balance. A WASTE OF TIME. It will only frustrate you and(or) get you disinformation. The first mistake you made was probably in the dispute letter. You should in all subsequent dispute letters ask to have the name, address, and manner the entry is verified. They may not comply but at least you will have a paper trail. Don't listen to all of the people on this board who are charter members of the ankle grabber brigade, when it comes to exerting your rights. I suspect that some members on this board banned and currently posting are some of the same pond-scum collection agency types we are trying to grid into dust. Their negativism and legal mumbo-jumbo are meant to intimidate out of your rights, most of them are not lawyers but they play one on TV.
So is it possible to go after Experian for their lies and failure to verify? They are driving me insane. Things are being verified that are totally and completely wrong. What recourse do we have? I am not having these problems with the other two. I am getting everything deleted that should be, it's been a cakewalk. Experian? Nothing. Nada. I hate them with an intensity I cannot begin to describe. Ok, I'm going to try and calm down now.