5 deletions = low score???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tr1252, Oct 19, 2002.

  1. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    I can't figure this one out. I pulled my report from EQ CW today and checked my score: 626. FIVE negatives fell off of my report (thanks to CreditNet!!!), including THREE COLLECTIONS! The ONLY negative remaining is an unpaid chargeoff from early '97.

    I have 6 cc's - the oldest being over 6 years old, 2 at 2 years old and 3 at 1 year old. Also, 2 installment loans. Every account (except the one chargeoff) shows perfect history. My utilization is high - about 70%.

    My score has remained between 610 and 620 throughout the clean-up process. But after 5 deletions, only 626??? Here are the top two FICO reasons for the low score:

    "Instances of being seriously late or having derogatory indicators/remarks on your credit obligations is being reported on your credit file

    Balances are due on accounts that are past due or have derogatory indicators/remarks

    "This reason appears when there is evidence of RECENTLY missed payments on your credit bureau report."

    Does FICO consider a chargeoff from early '97 RECENT??? Has anyone else here experienced this sort of discrepancy? And how do I fix this? Thanks so much for your input!
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I have a settlement that's from 12/95, falls off in Dec., it's my only derog so it's my #1 negative factor. I should gain a few points when that baby falls off, I can't wait.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Tracy, From what I have seen is that if you dispute the item 3 or 4 months before the item falls off it usually gets deleted. Charlie
  4. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Ok, funny story. I tried that. I disputed as obsolete. Not only did they verify, (this is Sears BTW) but 2 weeks after verifying, they changed it from simply closed account to Paid Charge off. 2 weeks later they changed it again, to settled for less than full amount. Oh well, I guess they showed me! LOL I've had it deleted from 2 reports (Exp actually deleted it over the phone) I called EQ again, and the CSR told me to be careful, because if they were really spiteful they could change the rating on it, and add time--if I disputed again. I figure the way they are handling it, I'll just let it fall off all on it's own, and not screw w/ it again. I want it gone, but I don't feel like antagonizing them. They crack me up, it's so old it's barely a blip on my FICO. They went thru a whole lot of trouble to keep updating it like that. LOL

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