561credit score, looking to improve

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Deedz, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Deedz

    Deedz Active Member

    ive paid all my debt on my credit report off 2 weeks ago (7000$) and i bought a copy of my credit report.

    It says my credit score is 561. I want to set up a loan for a car by april of this year, but i cant get anything, credit card, not even a secured credit card. Is there any place i could go to get any kind of credit to boost my score up so a bank would consider me for a car loan. I only want like a four or five thousand loan.

    but also i am moving and really need my credit to go up within the next couple years. I have made the commitment to myself that i will do this NO MATTER WHAT!

    but honestly i have no idea where to begin

    i do have a loan from my school left on my report but i am currently taking classes

    i am also on chex systems 3 times (but i have paid back everything) and i have an open checking account.

    can anyone provide me with any suggestions of what i could do to get my score up?


    This looks like an awesome website, this could be the answer to my dreams!

  2. Deedz

    Deedz Active Member

    ive actually been trying to do this for a long time, but i have absolutely no idea how to do it

    i cant get a secured credit card from the bank, i havent really tried anything else cause im afraid im gonna get dinged for it. any suggestions?
  3. birdmann38

    birdmann38 Member

    Well one thing you can do is open a secured credit card with your bank and pay it on time for 3 to 6 months. You can also open one at another bank also. When you paid off those debts you probably should have had every creditor to send you a letter in writing stating they would report your accounts as good standing and remove all the late days on your accounts. The credit companies update their system every three months so you may see a change by then. I hope I can help you with this little bit of information.

    God Bless

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