60 day lates question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ramsey, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. ramsey

    ramsey New Member

    hope this isn't a stupid question....does anyone know if a 60 day late would also count as a 30 day late( since you can't hit the 60 w/ out hitting thirty first), or is it supposed to only count as a 60 day.
    thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    If you never ask, you never get an answer!
    Its my understanding that if you have gone two months without paying and your creditor is reporting monthly, you will have an over thirty for the first month and then an over 60 days for the second. Hope this helps.
  3. ramsey

    ramsey New Member

    thanks for the info reatha!

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