I have just got my credit report and I have a few 30+ lates(just recently) and two verizon collections that have a status as paid. I have heard that the only way I can try and have these removed , at least the lates are to order my credit report and dispute them. Is this correct? We are trying to refinance and my credit score got hot hard by these recent negatives. I also have many accounts in ggod standing. Any input(tips) would be greatly appreciated...WE NEED IT. Thanks.....Beau.
First determine if these negatives are even accurate. Some creditors have been known to erroneously report even 1 or 2 days late as "30 days late". The CRAs only report lates as multiples of 30 days, and have no mechanism to report factually as late less than 30 days. On the 30 day lates, were they actually received over 30 days after the due date (typically 50+ days after the statement date), not just late as defined by the due date?
Thanks Thanks senior for that response. They were recived 30+ days late and they are accurate. But today my buddy who is going to do the refi on my house for me told me he has a close friend who works for a credit repair company and she would be able to get one of my collections removed, one 30+ days late and some of my negative inquiries remove. He is not going to charge me anything. This sound too good to be true. I don't know how they will( pretty much assure me) get these off.