60d-late reappeared.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PerfectAA, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. PerfectAA

    PerfectAA Active Member

    I had a 60d-late back in 2004. Recently I have disputed it off EQ,TU but not in EX. Also I disputed directly with OC, but in vain.

    Here's what happend. I disputed once again with EX online. They came back verified 3days ago.
    Today I found it reporting 60d late again in EQ and it was refreshed today. It's kind of too old to negatively impact my score but certainly not pleasing. I am also afraid TU might report it late again (as a matter of fact it could be only a matter of time)

    What do I do?
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Negative entries will come off after 7 years. When you dispute something within those 7 yeard they will remove the entries for a while to "invesigate", but once they finish "investigating" they'll go back on.
  3. wenker

    wenker Active Member

    not removed

    During an investigation it is my very recent experience that they are not "removed." In fact they are very much still there, but they add a statement that the item is under investigation.
  4. ucms1974

    ucms1974 New Member

    What happens is often the 60 day late was removed in a dispute because the creditor failed to respond or verify within the prescribed time limits.

    However, when the CRA receives an update tape however far in the future, the negative "reappears".
  5. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    You guys need to research the FCRA - there is a section on procedures the CRAs must utilize when reinserting previously deleted information due to a consumer dispute.

    CRAs never follow those procedures. ;)
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Notify Equifax that the subject account had been deleted previously pursuant to your request and has since be re-inserted. BE SURE TO TELL EQUIFAX THEY DID NOT PROVIDE YOU WITH THE PRESCRIBE FIVE DAY NOTICE PER THE FCRA. They will delete it.
  7. PerfectAA

    PerfectAA Active Member

    Thanks all for the comments.
    EQ was noting that it was being disputed, and it DID reappear in TU as well meaning that this OC has reported back to EQ, TU after request was made via EX.
    As a matter of a fact, EQ never sent me the letter stating that they have deleted.
    Should I still try with TU and EQ as Apex tells me?

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