
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jenz, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    what happened to this place? there used to always be people on and gazillions of posts! someone wanna clue me in?????
  2. Godsaveme

    Godsaveme Active Member

    lots of people seemed to have moved to other boards. I lurk a lot here and love this place due to the fact this was the first credit board i found over a year ago.
  3. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    that's why i came back here when i had to start my credit repair (and i learned to tolerate dial-up) :):) i don't find the same types of personalities on other boards that i do here. it seems like the site was having problems when i look back at old posts, so maybe that has something to do with it. i wasn't sure if there was a falling out of some sort.

  4. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Jenz,

    I have not a clue where everyone went, I have been asking myself the same question....heck I haven't even seen LB on! I see the old timers pop their heads in and out, but the only steady ones I see on regularly that I recognize from my year on here are hedwig, butch, ontrack and pd.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    When there is only ONE other person here...IT GETS KINDA' BORRING...

    Back in "THE DAYS" it went to page 2 before lunch!!!
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: !!!

    I noticed that myself. I think after the board had problems and was down for a while again, even more people left. I also like this board because it was my first. I do post on one other board fairly regularly, but I try to check here almost every day. But you're right, GEORGE, the posts used to roll off fast.

    I have so much work, both at work and home, that I don't have the time for this that I used to. I hope that will change.

    Even the delete thread didn't get going this time.

    I hope more people come back.

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