I have found a wealth of info on this website and am in turn, a wealth of questions as well. I have several things on my credit report that were paid off late, several years late, however, my 7 year mark from the day I opened them is almost up. Is this the date they fall off of? Two of them were student loans, the rest were credit cards which went into collections. Now another question, I have read that when you have a cc/loan or what not that goes into collections (to a second company) and than on to a third and fourth company and so forth that you are only allowed two companies on your credit report for the same deliquency (i.e. discover sold it to providian who sold it to Credigy and finanical recovery services is calling on behalf of Credigy their "client Anyhoo, is this true? Can I get the reports down to two for one bad debt that just keeps getting sold?? Anyhoo any help is appreciated..Thanks a ton!
The seven years is not from the date the account was opened. It's from the time the account went delinquent and was never again brought current. For the agencies not currently collecting on the account, dispute with the CRA as "not mine."
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welcome to C N ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ******************************************************* http://www.send4fun.com/telephone.htm >
Thanks for clearing that up!!! About reporting as "not mine" I have tried that and they confirm it...4 years after it went into collections...what joy....what joy!!!!