Last derog just came off. Score went from 671 to (drumroll please.....) 741. Tried the simulator to see if I paid the balance down on Cap1 and it showed 791-831. OMIGOD!!!! Gib
Believe it or not, it was an almost 7 year old medical collection. I couldn't believe that a collection that old would have such a huge impact. Gib
Congrats Gib, This bolsters my original thought that although derogs cost points when added or make points, when removed, it's that LAST one that's REALLY worth the point surge. Helps explain why we only get a cpl points when a derog is removed but that last one still remains. Great Job,
Congratulations gib!! I agree that the last derog. is worth the most points. My last CA was removed from EXP adn it was worth 52 points.
One other note. I disputed this last only 3 days ago, it was a duplicate of another that was just deleted 5 days ago. Score before dispute: 671. Score with it in dispute: 668 and of score after deletion was 741. Thought it was a bit strange when my score dropped 3 points with it in dispute. Gib
Congratulations Gib! I just had my last derogatory on EQ deleted about a month ago. It seems really similar to yours, it was a CA for medical from 1997. My score went up 58 points at the time to 738.
wow gib, 1 old medical collection, shaking my head. congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!! and re-focusing, lol Sassy