700 club

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mattg554, Jun 24, 2002.

  1. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    In the past month I've gone from a 607 on equifax to a 730. I began with only an unpaid collection (that was really paid and reporting wrong), a paid charge off, and a 26 month pays on time $16k auto loan. Now I've got the collection account gone plus the charge off and a duplicate charge off account in dispute. I had my mom add me as an AU on her $12k limit First Usa card with $0 balance that was opened in 1993, and my fiance added me as an AU on her $1k Citi card that has a $912 balance (opened in 1999).

    I also got Equifax to delete 5 out of 9 inquiries. I just applied for a Direct Merchant's Bank card, hopefully they will pull Equifax :)

    Being an AU is great. I thought that it would take at least another year for me to hit 700. Once the first usa card was added, I went from 657 to 730. I knew it would help, just not that much. Now I just need to get TU to list that card, and for Experian to to count it...
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    BIG Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member


    I too am trying the AU route. My mom added me on her Sears card and her Best Buy. She tried for her Visa - but they wanted a notarized statement so we decided not to do that one.

    How long did it take these to show up on your report?

    Now, if I could get past the new TU online registration - I'd find out if I am officially in the 600 club... (and hopefully on my way to the 700 club!)

  4. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    On that AU issue:

    How does that affect the person whose card you are added to?

    My Dad is 800+ and is one of those guys who the credit card companies HATE! ALways pays his balance off every month...they don't make a DIME off him.

    Anyway, was thinking of asking him to add me to his AMEX platnium but not if it will hurt him in anyway.

  5. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member


    No, you can't hurt him - unless you use the card/account and he doesn't pay. It's my understanding that with AU''s - the thing is NOT to use the account at all.

    For instance on Best Buy - they sent my mom a card for me - and I told her to just put it away or cut it up and not to send it to me.

    So, no you can't hurt him. If HE didn't pay his bills, he could hurt you - but it doesn't sound like you have to worry about that at all!

  6. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    It won't hurt him at all. It doesn't show on his report in any way. The only way it could hurt, is if you ran up the card and didn't pay for it...
  7. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    That is too bad they wanted a notarized statement. That seems unusual.

    For the First USA card, it took about 5 days for it to show up on Experian, and about 3 weeks for Equifax. Still hasn't shown up on Trans Union. For Experian, it's marked as "In dispute under the fair credit billing act", even though my mom says she never told them to do that. It's not like that on Equifax.

    For the Citi card, it took about a month to show up on TU and Equifax, and it still hasn't shown up on Experian.

    The new TU registration is strange. I've probably gone through it 5 times since they changed it (I'm a report checking addict), and each time the first 2 questions have been bogus, and the third was about my monthly payment on my car loan.

    Good luck to all of you.

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