Who would approve a high limit CL with alot of inquiries? the above is Equifax. -- You applied for credit 10 times in the last 12 months Your most established credit obligation is 78 months old and your newest credit account was opened 5 months ago.
I think a lot will depend on your utilization ratios, but it doesn't look good. I don't know of anyone who will aprove with that many inquiries....especially with your newest account only being 5 months old. I've heard people post that Amex doesn't care about inquiries if the rest of their criteria is met, but I don't know. L
Re: 721 FICO.... 10 INQS..... Appro 6% utilization. all my cards are paid off, just the usual card that we use for monthly expenses shows a balance.
I know some issuers look back 6 months others more. Cap one gave me a card with $5000 line last spring, I had over 30 inq that were in last 12 mo and 2 within last 6 mo. MBNA, CITI, Cap One, AMX, BOA all gave me cards with multiple inq that were over 6 mo old