722 redemption loans

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TomJones, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. TomJones

    TomJones Well-Known Member

    Does anyone besides 722redemption.com do Bankruptcy 722 loans in Ohio?
    I'd like a lender to do a 722 redemption loan for me.
    I'm in the middle of a bankruptcy filing.
    I can't use the lender everyone refers me to, 722redemption.com, because they're underwritten by a bank injured by my bankruptcy.
    Googling turns up no companies in this business in Ohio, although I did find two companies that provide this service in other regions.
    My bankruptcy lawyer knows of no other lenders in this market.
    The folks at 722redemption.com's phone number said "try the Internet".
    The American Banker's Assocation forums at www.bankersonline.com turned up no hits.
    Finance managers at several local car dealers had no clue, but did offer to sell me several nice Buicks....
    So, anyone know of any other lenders doing business in this type of product in Ohio?

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