800-523-4502 I have a feeling it is a collection company, and I am afraid to call. Anyone know? If it is the person that left the message sounds MEAN.
Go to a pay phone and dial from there. Don't be afraid, they can't jump through the phone and beat your ass...
DCS is the company that was trying to collect on my student loans. Could be the same company, could be a different one.
Debt Credit Services 1300 Weathervane Lane Suite 312A Akron, OH 44313 United States Tel: 1-330-865-5422 Fax: 1-330-865-5420 Info from www.collectionindustry.com. Directories. Can't verify info, no 800 number listed.
Sorry forgot to add.. From www.collector.com DEBT CREDIT SERVICES Deloris Lewis-Morgan, President 1300 Weathervane Ln., Suite 302, ZIP 44313-5109 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5445, ZIP 44334 Ph: (330) 865-5422 Web Address: http://www.debtcreditservices.com
Or, Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Ghost; these are the things that scare me the most! (next to the CAs!)
Some of my personal favorites: The weather is here I wish you were beautiful The skies are too clear life's easy today The beer is too cold, the daquiri's too fruitiful There's no place like home when it's this far away I don't care what they say IF THE PHONE DOESN'T RING, IT'S ME I like mine with lettuce and tomato Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes Big kosher pickle and a cold draught beer Well, good god Almighty which way do I steer