I have PERFECT payment history since 1978!!! F.I.C.O. HIGH SCORE 711... I DON'T have a car loan...but that wouldn't get me 800+ I HAVE ALSO BEEN "BIT IN THE BUTT" BY PAYING OFF CARDS IN FULL... F.I.C.O. IS FIXED FOR FAILURE NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!!!
lizardking, you are so right . If you have no lates, a good income, no bk, a score of 750 max could get you any card, car, or home. Even though fico always talks about having a good mix of cards, auto loans and mortgage, they seem to penalized scores when you do. Any score above 750 probably won't get you anything more. I may be wrong but I believe that when I applied for the citi hilton sig. they most likely didn't believe my first report and kept pulling reports trying find a negative. I bet having these scores cost me 2 extra inquiries.
I know it takes a long time to get a high score, but also remember being an au with someone with a long flawless history will be on your credit report. In most cases of scoring , "everything on your report is your credit history", literally
Me too...me too. Wouldn't that be nice for real? I would pay someone/anyone to add me as an AU. My mom added me on her Spiegel, Target and Texaco, so far 2 of 3 are showing up. We asked Cap 1 and Providian and they say they won't report it on mine so we didn't even do it. I wonder if she could add me on her auto loan? Other than that I'm SOL...her other accts are too new. I'm supposed to be an AU on hubby's Wells Fargo but it's not reporting that way, but maybe for the good because CL is $6000 balance is $5500.
Yes a JU would be a much better option but now you are liable and getting out of JU could be tough, sometimes companies want a zero bal or reapplying to get rid of a JU(they want to make sure they are paid). Fico scoring recognizes AU accounts if you can get it reported but I don't think TU scoring does.
Hey, DH is AU on a relatives Cap1 accounts (two of them) & they report to the bureaus for him. Maybe try it anyway?
Ok I will have Mom call tomorrow. Maybe the customer service rep didn't know what she was talking about. I'm hoping some positives will take away from my negatives. I'm down to 9 now and have estoppel letters going out tomorrow on the last few so...........keeping fingers crossed.
Christi- I was mistakenly put onto DH's Providian acct as an AU (I called to make one pmt. for him) and it reported on mine, although it was charged off. I put DH as an AU on MY providian accounts back in Sept and it's not reporting yet. I have been told yes it will report by 2 reps and no it won't by one rep. So who knows. KHM
Does adding an au make your score go up? If so, I'll and talk my other half into adding me to his accounts. When we were house shopping 2 yrs. ago, the mtg. broker pulled his credit report. He had a 799!! And I had a 580! So we rent and rent and rent due to my bad credit. I wish I knew about this site 2 yrs. ago! Anyway, the 801 fico is not a myth. He also has a mixture of cc. 1 major cc. Visa Fleet with a $10k limit with $1500 bal. and assortment of dept store cards, 1 mobil gas card, and 1 paid auto loan and 1 current auto loan, plus 1 installment loan. I don't remember how old the oldest trade is but it is probably around 1o yrs. He has not had a late EVER! He does not have a high income so that's the only thing thats hurts when we apply. Because we can't use my scores, so we can't combine incomes. He constantly gets cc offers in the mail and WILL NOT apply for any at all! I just get green with envy with the 0% bt offers and low aprs. Oh well, I'll be there soon.
Ok, let me get this straight--apply for both the silver and gold AA cards, but if approved, don't activate either of them and call to get them combined into a no annual fee platinum select card? I don't want anymore cards with annual fees, but when I look on the citibank website, both the AA cards have $85 and $55 annual fees. Thanks.
Wow Gordon!!! Impressive credit portfolio. Since you are the cash for everything man...would you consider sponsoring my legal education? LOL!!! And for you Christi on as an AU I am jealous. My old timey ass dad does not believe that this will help me. So forget that!!!