9:10 Est

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kbanger, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Mr. & Mrs. Kbanger congratulations on your blessed event and a very warm welcome to little Chole!
  2. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

  3. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Felicidades! Congratulations!! Is it not amazing the amount of joy and happiness a little person can bring to your life?!!!!
  4. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    We are finally home. We are all safe and sound, thank you to everyone.

    By the way, I have not had that much time to read the baby fico thread. If someone could post who came the closest to Chloe's DOB.
  5. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Congratulations :::::))))))))))

    So...when does she get her first AU card?
  6. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Congrats to your new arrival Kbanger.

    Make sure that you give her plenty of hugs and kisses. At the end of the day what really matters is your family, and it appears to me you have built your "home" with an excellent foundation.

    Good work and God bless.

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