DH has a chapter 7 BK on one of his reports. It is 9.5 years. There are no other public records or CA accounts on his report. Any ideas with how many points this is costing him? It is really old, not old enough to be off his report, but enough to do some damage.
Well TU's score goes up to 934. 695 isn't too bad of a score, TU-wise. You may want him to check out his score through www.eloan.com . He can sign up for a free score there, and apparently the score through eloan, though pulled from your TU report is actually more acurate than the score TU themselves give you.
When my CH13 fell off my reports, my scores went up an average of 90 points. My scores were similar to his; high 600's/low 700's with the bk reporting. Now they're close to 800.
Slayer, your scores went up 90 points, WOW! That is something to look forward to. Although I don't think his will go up that high, because BK 13 stays on for seven years, while a chaper BK 7 stays on for 10 years. So I am thinking since a BK 7 stays on longer, that the FICO takes into effect the age of the publice record. Because his BK 7 has been on for 9.5 years, that the benefit of a 9.5 year public derog. have been realized in a few extra points because it has been so long. Just a theory.........
you could be right, but I think he'll see a jump of more than just a few points. Remember, a BK of any sort is THE biggest FICO score killer out there. Just my $.02
My Bk was 9 years old and I recently disputed it as "not mine" and Experian took it off and my score went up 52 points. TU took it off and it went from 599 to "Not scored:Insufficient credit". Equifax is the only one who will not take it off, but I've gone from a 645 to 667. I'm still fighting with them to have it removed. If not I'll have to wait another year. Clau
When my BK came off TU after 9.5 years, I think it increased my score by somewhere between 50-80 points! cariba
My 9.8 year BK came off of Experian in May 2002. Along with recently reported Target & Nordstrom Visa bank cards my Credit Expert score increase was 8 points. On Equifax my BK came off in June 2002 and along with the recently reported accounts my score increased 48 points. I have not checked TU. KK
Cariba, after your BK came off Tu and your score increased, is that the score TU gives you when you order your report or was it a Empirica? I have been disputing this BK for the last year and everytime it comes back verified. The thing is, the BK listing on TU does not list the courthouse it was filed in, only says Federal. Also, everytime it has been verified, there is not a verification date. The last verification date is in 1998. Silly question, but is it possible TU is not really verifying since there is no specific courthouse listed and no verification date is reported? Anyways, tomorrow I am sending out the Procedure Request. Any tips would be appreciated.
After reading these posts, I must say it looks like the BK 7 removal is a wildcard. A summary of the posts: Poster SCMomof5......+0.........Points EQ (9.5 BK) Clau..............+52........Points EXP (9 BK) NanaC............+0.........Points EXP cariba............+50-80...Points TU (9.5 BK) KK.................+48........Points EQ (9.8 BK) KK..................+8.........Points EXP-CE (9.8 BK) beckyboo........+10.......Points (CRA ?) (9.5 BK) beckyboo DH...+8.........Points (CRA?) (9.5 BK) Anymore would be great.....will add to the list. Thanks for the replies.
Of course I have. But that TU keeps verifying. I said in my earlier post I question their verification because: 1)There is no court house listed, just a Federal Court (kind of hard to verify if you don't know where the Federal court is that the BK was filed in) 2)The verification date never shows up with TU, the report says the account was last updated in 1998...I have disputed twice this year, but no new verification dates. Anyways, I am sending in Procedure Request tomorrow for this.