A decent secured card...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jheitert, Jan 29, 2003.

  1. jheitert

    jheitert Member

    Please note, I do NOT work for American Online Bank, I just wanted to let people know there is a better secured card out there than those First Premier, etc. cards. It's the American Pacific Bank Visa...


    There is only a $35 annual fee, none of those other outrageous fees some places ask for. Right now it's fixed at 17.4%. Not great, but better than some. Just another option to check out.
  2. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

    Does this company give credit line increases on secured cards?

  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    also try www.aboc.com.. amalgamated bank has a great secured card.
  4. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

    Where is the Secured loan section?
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    look on the link for mastercard products.
  6. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    If you're looking for a secured card, look to some of the bigger banks. I know BofA has one and Wells Fargo also has one with a >6% intro APR.
    Also, for secured loans, a bank I used to bank at, before moving across the country, offered a secured loan if you invested in a CD; i.e., buy a $500 CD, get a $500 loan and earn interest on the CD. I'm sure they weren't the only ones to do this.
  7. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    Try Fleet for a secured card, I do not believe that it has an annual fee, not sure if there is information online but I picked up an application in a branch.
  8. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Try Cap One and they helped me to rebuild my credit. They're tough to unsecured your account.

  9. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member


    I'm gathering info on secured cards. Where is the Fleet secured cc info? I checked the Fleet web site and there's no listing for secured cards.

  10. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    I got a brochure in one of their branches. I was told that it just came out recently by someone in the branch.
  11. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member

    Fleet doesn't have a branch in DE. Chase, MBNA, First USA and Discover all have headquarters in DE but no "banks". Thanks for the response anyway.
  12. Nightlifer

    Nightlifer Well-Known Member

  13. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Bank of Louisiana has a secured card with a $15 annual fee.
  14. Nightlifer

    Nightlifer Well-Known Member

    Yes, they do. Not very lucrative, IMHO. See the specs:

    BOL Secured Cards
    - Telephone: 800-353-6454
    - Mailing Address: PO Box 6972, Metairie, LA 70009
    - Cards Offered: Visa, MasterCard
    - Issuing Area: Louisiana
    - Annual Interest Rate for Purchases: 18.84%
    - Annual Interest Rate for Cash Advances: 18.84%
    - Interest Calculation Method: Average Daily Balance including new purchases
    - Annual Fee: $15.00
    - Grace Period for Purchases: 25 days
    - Application/Processing Fee: None
    - Cash Advance Fee: 4% of amount being advanced
    - Late Payment Fee: $15.00
    - Over-Limit Fee: $5.00
    - Deposit Requirements: Amount applying for plus $125
    - Interest Deposit Earns: Not Specified
    - Credit Line Granted: 80%
    - Income Requirements: Not Specified
    - Credit Bureaus in which Account is Reported: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion
    - Manner in which Card is Reported: Not Specified
  15. Nightlifer

    Nightlifer Well-Known Member

    According to the report I got, the following secured cards report as unsecured (and do not have the outrageous fees):

    - American Pacific Bank
    - First National Bank, Brookings
    - Orchard
    - Sterling Bank and Trust
    - United National Bank

    Warning: some of this info may be outdated â?? the report goes back to 2001. Call these individual institutions to confirm.
  16. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member

    Nightlifer - thanks for the link. Now concerning the Cap 1 secured card - it may have recently been discontinued. Someone on this forum - Lucky, I think, indicated that s(he) could no longer find info on this card. I had recently stumbled onto an application at:


    but this is what I found today on :


    "The credit card details for Capital One Secured is currently off-line.

    Reason: The Capital One Secured has been discontinued.

    There will no longer be card details on this credit card."

    I'm bummed.

    Being "printer-less" temporarily (kind of like having one of my hands cut off LOL), I couldn't print out the Cap 1 secured CC app so I asked for the address. Thanks to all who replied. I guess I'll have to wait for my AOL/American Pacific Bank app to arrive shortly in the mail if my printerl-ess state lasts too much longer. The reason I don't want to reply online is apbank wants a copy of your bk discharge papers (a reasonable request). Nearly everything I've heard about this card is good. Stephen Snyder ("Credit after Bankruptcy" author )had one to get his credit back on track.
  17. CK70

    CK70 Well-Known Member

    When I was ready to apply for the card, I couldnt find the link on their site to apply online so I called the 800 number and I applied over the phone...this was in October 2002.I mentioned that I couldnt find any info online for the secured card...he said he didnt know why it wasnt there. So, I suggest calling and ask to apply for the secured card and see what they say.
  18. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member

    Thanks, but I already called their 800# last week. I found their secured card offering not on the main website for cap 1 but on *capitalone-visa* as I've mentioned. I got an automated message that prompted me to enter my SSN. I didn't want to enter my SSN at that time, so I just waited to talk to a real person. After a few minutes of waiting for me to enter my SSN I was disconnected. Never got a real person. I don't want that many inquiries on my credit reports so I'm being as conservative as possible.
  19. lucky

    lucky Well-Known Member

    I went to the capitalone-visa and when you click to apply or to get more infor the link is not working either.
  20. kelcol

    kelcol Well-Known Member

    Here is a number my husband called today. I'm not sure if he had to key any info in before he got a person or not (I don't think he did)

    Secured card Customer Relations

    Not sure if that is the same one you tried, but it's worth a shot if its not!

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