Ok so- George: traded his "toy" card for a REAL card! Ohno: Hubby got 2 citi cards! Rina: TU score went up 23 points! Brenda: Got 6 inquiries removed from TU! Phyllis: Got US Bank approved! Me: Finally entered the 600 club! Christi: Decided not to give up If I missed anyone please add yourself to the list!!
Well, I got my return receipts from Sears (Goodwill adjustment) and the CA (Validation). So the CA is now on the clock...tick, tock. Hopefully tomorrow there'll be a letter in the mail saying that the collection has been removed... GT
GT- I sent ot goodwill adjustment letters, but I didn't do them CRRR, do you think they will just ignore them? Man I hope not!
I got my very last and very stubborn collection account removed from TU! Now all 3 reports are CLEAN!!
i got approved for a nokia through voicestream with 500 anytime mins, unlimited weekend, and free long distance and a bunch more i cant remember. all with no deposit just shipping of 9.95 and my credit scores are in the 400's! and they just sent me an email with the ups tracking # and another offer for 1 more phone. it's like x-mas all over again to me.
KHM, I found out 1 inquiry has removed from Experian today. That's was Old Navy and they denied me last month. I think my Experian score is going up. Ron.
Fleet, Zales and Kohls are reporting already. CE score went up 1 point since 1/7/2002 (about when they started reporting these accounts). Waiting on my Fleet and CitiAA cards to arrive within a week or so.
I pulled my TU and my score went up 60 points since 11/20/01! =-) Hubby got his Citi Platinum card in the mail - our first platinum! Ozzy.
Called Dillards and asked for a credit line increase. Increased from $1k to $3.5K. I called and s/w a CSR and they said they would update to all 3 agencies what my new credit line is!
I received a Orchard pre-approval app. in the mail. 1500 cl, 25 day grace, 18.99% $39.00 annual My first credit card junk mail in 6 months. And... (here's the good news!) I ripped and thrash it. Felt good to know that I don't need Orchard. Best regards, Mirage EX 653, TU 637, EQ 645
I got my child support deleted, my score went up 29 points and I have everything I need to get my husband's judgement deleted. It was a great day!! Bobbi