Hi, Does anyone know where I can get a good home loan with a poor credit rating?... Fico Score 492..sigh!......:-( Any help Please!... current mortage rate 8.9%..... Home owner for 3 + years........
Are you looking to refinance????? Your score is rather low and I don't think you will get a better rate than what you currently have at 8.9
FHA? but your credit has to be relatively clean the last 2 years & collections/chargeoffs paid off Not sure if you can refi a conventional loan to fha tho. Does anyone know?
You can refi with who ever will approve. though with a score that low Im not sure many lenders would take a chance. You should try to clean up your credit first. Kev
Hey Guys Thanks a lot... I have done some clean up... most negitive is CCCS marks... about (3)... Haven't checked my score since July 2001.. a lot has changed.. My score may be above 500 now.... What is a good score? Happy Holidays....!