these are the details i recently checked my credit report. I see a 1350 deliquency first i am shocked second i refer to this source. I researched a bit into this and found out that my insurance company didnot pay a bill for the service that they were supposed to pay. so i call the insurance company and they say that they would have paid the bill if doctor reclaimed as they requested with in a year. and now they cant do anything about it. My credit has already dropped as much as 85 points from december 2004. and credit collection agency is blind to my explanation and they dont make an effort to help me instead these three ... doctors office, insurance company and collection agency made me a scape goat. Here is what i need advise on: 1. is there a way i can get this out of my credit report. by the time i completely settle with them it seems that my credit report would drop from 725 to 600. 2. how to settle this with least amount of payment through my pocket. i am planing too buy a new home and this stupid thing could affect me. Any more details can be given. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Question Knick, What did you do with the bills these Doctors sent you? Why didn't you call the ins. co. immediately? ???
I moved from VA to CA , and i thought that my insurance company paid the bills, so i think i never updated the address with the doctors office. I didnt recieve any bills from the doctor. I didnt even recieve bills from collection agency either when i was just checking my annual credit report the collection amount shows up.
what is this year period you are referring to? i believe that is the ins company policy for only paying claims within that timeframe. I had a situation where i had changed companies - same thing happened, except i never was billed until i rec'd CA letter 3 years later. first, you need to find out why it wasn't paid originally. then, you may need to contact the states insurance regulatory agency to arbitrate the situation.
also, DO NOT settle on anything yet. in most states, if the insurance company failed to pay a legitimate bill (that was submitted correctly, for approved procedures, etc) they are typically required to pay it in full regardless of how much time has passed.
is there a way to find out in which states do they have to pay for bills because the only reason they cite is that the billing period is closed or else they would have paid it. thank you for all the helpful repsonses!
i don't know of a site. my first ? is - did the dr bill the ins co initially or not at all? ? #2 - if the dr did bill the ins co right away why wasn't it paid? ? #3 - if the dr DIDN'T bill the ins co right away why not? The question here is did the dr bill the ins co AT ALL before the 1 year period?
yes doctor did file abilll before 1 year buth it was rejected for some unknown reason. insurae billnce co said it would pay the bill if they reclaimed the bill. I assume that doctor office didnt bother to reclaim it and now they want it.
Ok, You MUST find out EXACTLY why it wasen't paid Knick. This is critical because; if the Doc failed to bill properly they may not later come after you, in most states. (Although I'm not sure about Jen's assertion that the ins. co. must pay). I think it's more like the OC is out of luck. Get your information lined up and let us know what you figure out. You'll need to become a part-time private investigator. Then you'll be able to proceed with your states ins. dept. Follow Jen. : )
I wanted to start a new discussion and could not, therefore the only way I have found to post my question is to do a reply... I have spent the past 3 hours looking through all the posts on this site. I must say that there is quite bit of information out there and it is very helpful. My question (Butch) is as follows; I used to have "primo" credit, not a flaw, I was able to get a loan to purchase a car over the fax machine utilizing my signature, though I did not know what my score was I figured it was quite high. Anyhow, my wife died in 1999, 6 months later I could not keep my head above water for multiple reasons, therefore, I was forced into the BK house Chap. 13. 6 months after that I received a whole plethora of credit card offers etc... needless to say, I went overboard and got myself in a bit of trouble. I have been attempting to re-establish myself in the credit world, mainly to help myself get a better auto insurance quote, since they pull your credit to determine how well you drive, (the better credit score you have the better driver you are). OK, that's a bunch of doo-doo but what are we to do but play the game. My credit score as of 14 days ago is 592. Ouch. I have read several postings and am going to follow many of them closely as to disputes etc... my ? / problem is that there are so many things that I would like to dispute and here in about 2 years my bankruptcy will "come off" my report. Shall I not bother with theses different disputes? Or shall I continue on attempting to dispute them since these items were put on my record After my BK? I understand that the repair process takes time and I am humble now as I have grown to understand the meaning of patience. However, creditors demand immediate action, payment, correspondence etc.... I just want to get back to the life I was used to living "credit wise," as quickly as possible. Butch, in advance I want to thank you for willingly sharing your knowledge with everyone who wishes to seek it. I would appreciate your comments on this matter, though all are welcome too ) Thanks
It's confirmed that they dont want to pay because the 1year open period is closed and they will provide me with a letter that this was the only reason or else they would have paid it and it was covered under my policy. According to them, they requested a reclaim b/c of some processing problems and it was not a question of my coverage. So it was solely because doctor didnt claim the bill again after they requested it for some processing error. but the doctor now asserts that it is my responsibility to pay it because they sent me bill notices to my past home address where i was not there and unfortunately didnt end up getting any mail forwarded. Insurance company is saying that it can't change its corporate policy for cases more than 1 year old. Thanks for all the responses
Here is what I think happened. Dr submitted bill properly, insurance company loses claim and wants dr to resubmit, dr forgets to resubmit and sometime later realizes their error and decides to bill you. Let us know what the insurance company claims the processing problem was.
jenz123 and Butch thanks for your replies. But here are further details officially given out about this case. Case was back on 10/31/2001 Blue-Cross and Blue shield requested further clearance from the doctor that the condition was not pre-existing and they never heard back from doctor or me. and the case automatically died out after 1 year on 10/31/2002 They advised me to file an appeal with details and they would make an effort to reconsider this case provided support is well established. From Doctor's Office They say that they cleared it and sent it back to Insurance company i.e tried to reclaim it, but it was like 11/2/2002. So it was obviously doctor office who didnt bother to resubmit claim even after they cleared that this was not pre-existing condiiton. From both points: They both say that according to some law, i am responsible to make sure that doctor recieved payments. They are blind to the fact that i continously followed the case to make sure that they recieved payment but it was never done. I moved but i did make changes to my address and never recieved any mails from either insurance or doctor. I am inferring that they just assumed that i would shoulder the complete responsibility and never even notified me of the due payment. SO after all this If I want to make an appeal for reconsideration of my claim for insurance, are there any points I should include for any effective argument.!