My Ch7 BK is due to come off in 8/03. I am hoping CHOD will get it off early. Right now I am disputing all old addresses to make sure that they have a hard time getting a match. I am going to dispute the CH13 (98) just to see what happens. Aside from that, I have a couple of annoying collection accounts I want gone. They are all past the SOL so the CAs aren't bothering me, but they won't delete for payment so screw 'em! remaining derrogs: EQ BK7, BK13 6 collection accts EX BK7, BK13 6 collection accts TU BK7, BK13 4 collection accts. For those trolls out there, The CH7 was due to a 3 yr custody battle that cost me 72K. The CH13 occurred when alkie hubby went over the deep end. I filed to save my house and did not file it joint. This is why it is on mine and not his. That's the one thing about those of us married to alkies.... we wear their fubars! (FUBAR = F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition)
If my bk from 11/92 is not deleted from Equifax and TU I'll be calling them !!! My 10 yrs is up - Yay!
You have to look at the calendar Kelly.... just 'cause they are selling thanksgiving stuff in the stores doesn't mean it's november already! ROFL