THE LAW OFFICES OF DUMB A_S, DIP S__T & MOORE 1313 Mockingbird Lane ANYTOWN, PA 12345-6789 Typical lawyer letter... Validation disclaimers. Either no signature, or facsimile signature. Followed by something along the lines of "At this time, no attorney has reviewed this file to determine the merits of our clients claims, or which actions our clients should be advised to follow. I've seen at least three different firms using similar disclaimers to attempt to bypass "the false threats of legal action" violation which sending an unsigned or facsimile signed attorney letter would violate. I haven't checked to see whether this is speculative on their part. i.e. We're going to try to CYA and hope that some court along the way actually allow us to under-cut our letter which shouts at the consumer "WE ARE A LAW FIRM; WE LIVE FOR NOTHING OTHER THAN TO SUE YOU!" by adding a "By the way, no attorney in their right mind took as much as a split second to review this alleged account before we had our computer spit out this letter. We couldn't even find an attorney to scribble an illegible squiggly which we could claim is their signature."
Looks like these forums are starting to have an effect on the entire industry!! This gives the validation scenario some true credit!
Our small reptilian brains have decided to try and cover our asses by informing you that "At this time, no attorney has reviewed this file to determine the merits of our clients claims, or which actions our clients should be advised to follow." so that when you sue the crap out of us, we are kind of covered because we contradicted ourselves and you now have proof.