A Question About Medical Validation

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by repair it, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. repair it

    repair it Member

    Today I recieved a response to a validation letter that I sent to the collection agency of an old medical bill. The CA recieved the letter on 02/19..
    They have requested that I send them another validation letter that is signed and dated, so that they can provide me with an itemized account of the bill..along with the letter they sent a copy of my letter along with the envelope that it was mailed in...how should I respond? I don't think that I should sign anything; also I noticed that they did not include the mini miranda in the communication that I recieved today..thanks for any input!
  2. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Did they send it to you regular first class mail or crrr?
  3. repair it

    repair it Member

    Re: A Question About Medical Valida

    They sent the letter regular first class mail
  4. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Re: A Question About Medical Valida

    hmm what do they need your signature for? maybe so they can cut and paste it onto a contract? tell them the only signature they are going to get is the one on the contract from the original creditor.
  5. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Re: A Question About Medical Valida

    This sounds like a stall tactic and I would ignore it. Wait out the number of days you gave them to validate and if they fail to do so I would hammer down on them if they haven't provided proof of the debt. If they say they sent you a letter flat out deny it and tell them they are attempting to sabotage your validation efforts and deny you your rights under the law. They do not need your signature. Did they need your signature to accept the assignment from the OC? NO! Did they need your signature to report it to the CRA's? NO! Did they need your signature to send you their collection letter? NO! So what in hell makes them think that to prove their claim against you they need your signature to comply?? Does the law state you must include your signature?? NO! BUT the law DOES say that they have to validate the debt and cease collection activity during the validation period.

    Have you disputed this debt with the CRA's? Watch for them to verify with the CRA before providing the validation of the debt to you. Then if they do go postal on them.

    I am not yelling at you...I just read this over and it could be taken that I am yelling at you...I'm not...this stuff really pees me off and I get a little animated sometimes. Just don't let them try to get the upper hand.

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